Macrobid vs. Bactrim

Are Macrobid and Bactrim the Same Thing?

Macrobid(nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals) andBactrim(sulfamethoxazole andtrimethoprim) are antibiotics used to treaturinary tractinfections.

Macrobid is also used to treatbladderinfections.

Bactrim is also used to treat ear infections (acute otitis media),bronchitis,Shigellosis,Pneumocystis pneumonia,traveler's diarrhea,甲氧西林-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA), and other bacterial infections.

Bactrim is prescribed to treat Candida fungal infections of the mouth,vagina,esophagus,lungs, urinary tract, abdomen, and other organs. Bactrim is also used to treat fungalmeningitisand may be prescribed to ward off fungal infections in patients being treated withchemotherapyorradiationbefore abone marrowtransplant.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Macrobid?

Common side effects of Macrobid include:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • upset stomach,
  • diarrhea,
  • rust-colored or brownish urine,
  • vaginal itching ordischarge,
  • headaches, and
  • gas.

Tell your doctor if you experience serious side effects of Macrobid including:

  • bloody or watery diarrhea,
  • sudden chest pain,
  • shortness of breath,
  • 咳嗽,
  • fever or chills,
  • numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, or
  • easy bruising.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Bactrim?

Common side effects of Bactrim include:

  • loss of appetite,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • painful orswollen tongue,
  • dizziness,
  • spinning sensation,
  • ringing in your ears,
  • tiredness, or
  • sleep problems (insomnia).

Tell your doctor if you experience serious side effects of Bactrim including:

What is Macrobid?

Macrobid (nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals) is anantibacterialdrug used to treat urinary tract and bladder infections caused byEscherichia coliorStaphyloccocus saprophyticusstrains of bacteria that are sensitive to this drug. Macrobid is available as ageneric. Macrobid should not be used forpyelonephritis(kidney infections) or other deep tissue infections such as perinephric abscesses.

What is Bactrim?

Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) DS is a combination of two antibiotics used to treat urinary tract infections, acuteotitis media, bronchitis, Shigellosis,Pneumocystispneumonia, traveler's diarrhea,甲氧西林-resistantStaphylococcusaureus (MRSA), and other bacterial infections susceptible to thisantibiotic. Bactrim is available as ageneric drug.

What Drugs Interact With Macrobid?

Macrobid may also interact with magnesium salicylate or choline magnesium salicylate.

What Drugs Interact With Bactrim?

Bactrim may interact with blood thinners,cyclosporine,methotrexate, oraldiabetesmedications, andseizuremedications. Bactrim may also interact withantidepressants,digoxin,diuretics(water pills), indomethacin,leucovorin, calcium folinate, and heart or blood pressure medications.

How Should Macrobid Be Taken?

Macrobid is available in 100 mg tablets for use in children under 12 years old and adults. Macrobid may interact with magnesium salicylate, choline magnesium salicylate, and probenecid or othergoutmedications.

How Should Bactrim Be Taken?

Bactrim is available in tablets in two strengths; 400 mg sulfamethoxazole and 80 mg trimethoprim and the "DS" form which means double strength, 800 mg sulfamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim. Patients should follow their doctor's instructions and take all of the Bactrim prescribed. Patients allergic to sulfa compounds should not take Bactrim. Bactrim may interact with many drugs; the patient and prescribing doctor should be aware of any potential interactions. Bactrim should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus; the same situation exists for women who are breastfeeding and their neonates.


All drug information provided on is sourced directly from drug monographs published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Any drug information published on regarding general drug information, drug side effects, drug usage, dosage, and more are sourced from the original drug documentation found in its FDA drug monograph.

药物信息中发现药物比较酒吧lished on is primarily sourced from the FDA drug information. The drug comparison information found in this article does not contain any data from clinical trials with human participants or animals performed by any of the drug manufacturers comparing the drugs.

The drug comparisons information provided does not cover every potential use, warning, drug interaction, side effect, or adverse or allergic reaction. assumes no responsibility for any healthcare administered to a person based on the information found on this site.

As drug information can and will change at any time, makes every effort to update its drug information. Due to the time-sensitive nature of drug information, makes no guarantees that the information provided is the most current.

Any missing drug warnings or information does not in any way guarantee the safety, effectiveness, or the lack of adverse effects of any drug. The drug information provided is intended for reference only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice.

If you have specific questions regarding a drug’s safety, side effects, usage, warnings, etc., you should contact your doctor or pharmacist, or refer to the individual drug monograph details found on the or websites for more information.

You may also report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by visiting the FDA MedWatch website or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.


DailyMed. Macrobid Prescribing Information.

DailyMed. Bactrim Product Information.

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