Definition of Lipids

Lipids:Another word for "fats." (Please see the various meanings of Fat.)Lipidscan be more formally defined as substances such as a fat, oil or wax that dissolves in alcohol but not in water. Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but have far less oxygen proportionally thancarbohydrates.

Lipids are an important part of living cells. Together with carbohydrates and proteins, lipids are the main constituents of plant and animal cells.

Cholesterolandtriglyceridesare lipids. Lipids are easily stored in the body. They serve as a source of fuel and are an important constituent of the structure of cells.

Lipids includefatty acids, neutral fats, waxes and steroids (like可的松).复合脂质(脂类多元智慧h another type of chemical compound) comprise the lipoproteins, glycolipids and phospholipids.

Etymology:Whereas the everyday term "fat" comes from the Old English (from "faett" meaning crammed or adorned), the more scientific term "lipid" comes from the Greek "lipos" which referred to animal fat or vegetable oil.

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