
Medical Editor: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP Last updated on RxList:5/22/2023

Drug Summary

What Is Librium?

Librium (chlordiazepoxide) is a benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety disorders or alcohol withdrawal. Librium is available ingenericform.

What Are Side Effects of Librium?

Librium may cause serious side effects including:

  • severe drowsiness,
  • unusual changes in mood or behavior,
  • confusion,
  • aggression,
  • anger,
  • sudden restless feeling or excitement,
  • worsened sleep problems,
  • thoughts of suicide,
  • sudden weakness or ill feeling,
  • fever,
  • chills,
  • sore throat,
  • mouth sores,
  • red or swollen gums,
  • trouble swallowing,
  • muscle weakness,
  • drooping eyelids,
  • trouble swallowing,
  • upper stomach pain,
  • dark urine, and
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)

Get medical help right away, if you have any of the symptoms listed above.

Common side effects of Librium include:

  • drowsiness,
  • tiredness,
  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • constipation,
  • blurred vision,
  • swelling,
  • skin rash,
  • irregular menstrual periods, or
  • headache.

Tell your doctor if you have side effects of Librium including:

  • confusion,
  • depression,
  • hyperactivity,
  • hallucinations,
  • slurred speech,
  • trouble walking,
  • facial or muscletwitching,
  • 睡眠障碍,
  • trouble urinating,
  • changes in sex drive, or
  • jaundice(yellowing of the skin or eyes).

Seek medical care or call 911 at once if you have the following serious side effects:

  • Serious eye symptoms such as sudden vision loss, blurred vision, tunnel vision, eye pain or swelling, or seeing halos around lights;
  • Serious heart symptoms such as fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeats; fluttering in your chest; shortness of breath; and sudden dizziness, lightheadedness, or passing out;
  • Severe headache, confusion, slurred speech, arm or leg weakness, trouble walking, loss of coordination, feeling unsteady, very stiff muscles, high fever, profuse sweating, or tremors.

This document does not contain all possible side effects and others may occur. Check with your physician for additional information about side effects.

Dosage for Librium

The dose of Librium varies depending on the condition being treated. For mild to moderate anxiety, 5 mg or 10 mg, 3 or 4 times daily. For severe anxiety, 20 mg or 25 mg, 3 or 4 times daily. Consult your doctor for pediatric or geriatric dosing.

What Drugs, Substances, or Supplements Interact with Librium?

Librium may interact with barbiturates, blood thinners, MAO inhibitors, medicine to treat psychiatric disorders, narcotics, orantidepressants. Tell your doctor all medications you use.

Librium During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Librium is not recommended for use during pregnancy due to the potential for harm to a fetus. Based on information from related drugs, this drug may pass into breast milk and may have undesirable effects on a nursing infant. Breastfeeding while using this medication is not recommended.Withdrawal symptomsmay occur if you suddenly stop taking this medication.

Additional Information

Our Librium (chlordiazepoxide) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

Drug Description


Librium, the original chlordiazepoxide HCI and prototype for the benzodiazepine compounds, was synthesized and developed at Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. It is a versatile therapeutic agent of proven value for the relief of anxiety. Librium (chlordiazepoxide) is among the safer of the effective psychopharmacologic compounds available, as demonstrated by extensive clinical evidence.

Librium (chlordiazepoxide) is available as capsules containing 5 mg, 10 mg or 25 mg chlordiazepoxide HCI. Each capsule also contains corn starch, lactose and talc.Gelatincapsule shells may contain methyl.and propyl parabens andpotassiumsorbater with the following dye systems: 5-mg capsules - FD&C Yellow No. 6 plus D&C Yellow No. 10 and either FD&C Blue No. 1 or FD&C Green No. 3. 10-mg capsules - D&C Yellow No. 10 and either FD&C Blue No. 1 plus FD&C Red No. 3 or FD&C Green No. 3 plus FD&C Red No. 40. 25-mg capsules- D&C Yellow No. 10 and either FD&C Green No. 3 or FD&C Blue No. 1.

Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride is 7-chloro-2- (methylamino) -5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine 4-oxide hydrochloride. A white to practically white crystalline substance, it is soluble in water. It is unstable in solution and the powder must be protected from light. The molecular weight is 336.22. The structural formula of chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride is as follows:

Librium (chlordiazepoxide HCI) structural formula illustration

Indications & Dosage


Librium (chlordiazepoxide) is indicated for the management of anxiety disorders or for the short term relief of symptoms of anxiety, withdrawal" symptoms of acutealcoholism, andpreoperativeapprehension and anxiety. Anxiety or tension associated with thestressof everyday life usually does not require treatment with an anxiolytic.

The effectiveness of Librium (chlordiazepoxide) in long-term use, that is, more than 4 months, has not been assessed by systematic clinical studies. The physician should periodically reassess the usefulness of the drug for the individual patient.


Because of the wide range of clinical indications for Librium (chlordiazepoxide) , the optimum dosage varies with the diagnosis and response of the individual patient. The dosage, therefore, should be individualized for maximum beneficial effects.

Relief of Mild and Moderate Anxiety Disorders and Symptoms of Anxiety 5 mg or 10 mg, 3 or 4 times daily
Relief of Severe Anxiety Disorders and Symptoms of Anxiety 20 mg or 25 mg, 3 or 4 times daily
Geriatric Patients, or in the presence of debilitating disease. 5 mg, 2 to 4 times daily

Preoperative Apprehension and Anxiety: On days preceding surgery, 5 to 10 mg orally, 3 or 4 times daily. If used as preoperative medication, 50 to 100 mg IM* 1 hour prior to surgery.

Because of the varied response of pediatric patients to CNS-acting drugs, therapy should be initiated with the lowest dose and increased as required. Since clinical experience in pediatric patients under 6 years of age is limited, the use of the drug in this age group is not recommended. 5 mg, 2 to 4 times daily (may be increased in some pediatric patients to 10 mg, 2 to 3 times daily)

For the relief ofwithdrawal symptomsof acute alcoholism, theparenteralform* is usually used initially. If the drug is administered orally, the suggested initial dose is 50 to 100 mg, to be followed by repeated doses as needed until agitation is controlled up to 300 mg per day. Dosage should then be reduced to maintenance levels.

* See package insert for Injectable Librium (chlordiazepoxide HCI).


Librium (chlordiazepoxide HCI) Capsules are available in the following presentations:

5 mg明胶胶囊在瓶100 (ndc - 01873750-10), with LIBRIUM (chlordiazepoxide) 5 imprinted on the opaque green cap and ICN imprinted on the opaque yellow body.
10 mg明胶胶囊在瓶100 (ndc - 01873751-10), with LIBRIUM (chlordiazepoxide) 10 imprinted on the opaque black cap and ICN imprinted on the opaque green body.
25 mg明胶胶囊在瓶100 (ndc - 01873758-10), with LIBRIUM (chlordiazepoxide) 25 imprinted on the opaque green cap and ICN imprinted on the opaque white body.

商店在25°C(77°F);远足允许15°C- 30°C (59°F - 86°F).

Vaieant Pharmaceuticals International Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Rev. July 2005. FDA rev date: 9/6/2002

Side Effects & Drug Interactions


The necessity of discontinuing therapy because of undesirable effects has been rare. Drowsiness,ataxiaand confusion have been reported in some patients particularly the elderly and debilitated. While these effects can be avoided in almost all instances by proper dosage adjustment, they have occasionally been observed at the lower dosage ranges. In a few instancessyncopehas been reported.

Other adverse reactions reported during therapy include isolated instances of skin eruptions, edema, minor menstrual irregularities, nausea and constipation, extrapyramidal symptoms, as well as increased and decreasedlibido. Such side effects have been infrequent, and are generally controlled with reduction of dosage. Changes inEEGpatterns (low-voltage fast activity) have been observed in patients during and after Librium (chlordiazepoxide) treatment.

Blood dyscrasias (includingagranulocytosis),jaundiceand hepatic dysfunction have occasionally been reported during therapy. When Librium (chlordiazepoxide) treatment is protracted, periodic blood counts and liver function tests are advisable.

DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE: Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride capsules are classified by theDrug Enforcement Administrationas a Schedule IV controlled substance.

Withdrawal symptoms, similar in character to those noted with barbiturates and alcohol (convulsions,tremor, abdominal and muscle cramps, vomiting and sweating), have occurred following abrupt discontinuance of chlordiazepoxide. The more severe withdrawal symptoms have usually been limited to those patients who had received excessive doses over an extended period of time. Generally milder withdrawal symptoms (eg,dysphoriaand insomnia) have been reported following abrupt discontinuance ofbenzodiazepinestaken continuously at therapeutic levels for several months. Consequently, after extended therapy, abrupt discontinuation should generally be avoided and a gradual dosage tapering schedule followed. Addiction-proneindividuals (such as drug addicts or alcoholics) should be under careful surveillance when receiving chlordiazepoxide or , other, psychotropic agents because of the predisposition of such patients to habituation and dependence.


No information provided.



Chlordiazepoxide HCI may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of potentially hazardous tasks such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery. Similarly, it may impair mental alertness in children. The concomitant use of alcohol or othercentral nervous systemdepressants may have an additive effect.PATIENTS SHOULD BE WARNED ACCORDINGLY.

Usage in Pregnancy: An increased risk ofcongenitalmalformations associated with the use of minor tranquilizers (chlordiazepoxide, diazepam and meprobamate) during the first trimester of pregnancy has been suggested in several studies. Because use of these drugs is rarely a matter of urgency, their use during this period should almost always be avoided. The possibility that a woman of childbearing potential may be pregnant at the time of institution of therapy should be considered. Patients should be advised that if they become pregnant during therapy or intend to become pregnant they should communicate with their physicians about the desirability of discontinuing the drug.

Withdrawal symptoms of the barbiturate type have occurred after the discontinuation of benzodiazepines. (SeeDRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCEsection.)



In elderly and debilitated patients, it is recommended that the dosage be limited to the smallest effective amount to preclude the development of ataxia or oversedation (10 mg or less per day initially, to be increased gradually as needed and tolerated). In general, the concomitant administration of Librium (chlordiazepoxide) and other psychotropic agents is not recommended. If such combination therapy seems indicated, careful consideration should be given to thepharmacologyof the agents to be employed particularly when the known potentiating compounds such as MAO inhibitors and phenothiazines are to be used. The usual precautions in treating patients with impaired renal or hepatic function should be observed.

Paradoxical reactions, eg, excitement, stimulation and acute rage, have been reported in psychiatric patients and in hyperactive aggressive pediatric patients, and should be watched for during Librium (chlordiazepoxide) therapy. The usual precautions are indicated when Librium (chlordiazepoxide) is used in the treatment of anxiety states where there is any evidence of impending depression; it should be borne in mind that suicidal tendencies may be present and protective measures may be necessary. Although clinical studies have not established a cause and effect relationship, physicians should be aware that variable effects on bloodcoagulationhave been reported very rarely in patients receiving oral anticoagulants and Librium. In view of isolated reports associating chlordiazepoxide with exacerbation ofporphyria, caution should be exercised in prescribing chlordiazepoxide to patients suffering from this disease.

Pediatric Use: Because of the varied response of pediatric patients to CNS-acting drugs, therapy should be initiated with the lowest dose and increased as required (SeeDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION)。从临床经验与利眠宁(chlordiazepoxide) in pediatric patients under 6 years of age is limited, use in this age group is not recommended. Hyperactive aggressive pediatric patients should be monitored for paradoxical reactions to Librium (chlordiazepoxide) (seePRECAUTIONS)。

Overdose & Contraindications


Manifestations of Librium (chlordiazepoxide) overdosage includesomnolence, confusion, coma and diminished reflexes.Respiration,pulse和血压应该监控,在所有cases of drug overdosage, although, in general, these effects have been minimal following Librium (chlordiazepoxide) overdosage. General supportive measures should be employed, along with immediategastriclavage. Intravenous fluids should be administered and an adequate airway maintained.Hypotensionmay be combated by the use of Levophed* (norepinephrine) or Aramine (metaraminol).Dialysis是有限的价值。There have been occasional reports of excitation in patients following chlordiazepoxide HCI overdosage; if this occurs barbiturates should not be used. As with the management of intentional overdosage with any drug, it should be borne in mind that multiple agents may have been ingested.

Flumazenil, a specific benzodiazepine-receptorantagonist, is indicated for the complete or partial reversal of thesedativeeffects of benzodiazepines and may be used in situations when an overdose with a benzodiazepine is known or suspected. Prior to the administration of flumazenil, necessary measures should be instituted to secure airway,ventilationand intravenousaccess. Flumazenil is intended as an adjunct to, not as a substitute for, proper management of benzodiazepine overdose. Patients treated with flumazenil should be monitored for resedation,respiratory depressionand otherresidualbenzodiazepine effects for an appropriate period after treatment. The prescriber should be aware of a risk ofseizurein association with flumazenil treatment, particularly in long-term benzodiazepine users and in cyclicantidepressantoverdose. The complete flumazenil package insert, including CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS, should be consulted prior to use.


Librium (chlordiazepoxide) is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to the drug.

Clinical Pharmacology


Librium (chlordiazepoxide HCI) has antianxiety, sedative, appetite-stimulating and weakanalgesicactions. The precise mechanism of action is not known. The drug blocks EEG arousal from stimulation of thebrain stemreticular formation. It takes several hours for peak blood levels to be reached and the half-life of the drug is between 24 and 48 hours. After the drug is discontinued plasma levels decline slowly over a period of several days. Chlordiazepoxide is excreted in the urine, with 1% to 2% unchanged and 3% to 6% as conjugate.

Animal Pharmacology: The drug has been studied extensively in many species of animals and these studies are suggestive of action on the limbic system of the brain, which recent evidence indicates is involved in emotional responses.

Hostile monkeys were made tame by oral drug doses which did not cause sedation. Chlordiazepoxide HCI revealed a "taming" action with the elimination of fear and aggression. The taming effect of chlordiazepoxide HCI was further demonstrated in rats made vicious by lesions in the septal area of the brain. The drug dosage which effectively blocked the vicious reaction was well below the dose which caused sedation in these animals.

The LDM of parenterally administered chlordiazepoxide HCI was determined in mice (72 hours) and rats (5 days), and calculated according to the method of Miller and Tainter, with the following results: mice, IV, 123+12mg/kg; mice, IM, 366±7mg/kg; rats, IV, 120±7 mg/kg; rats, IM, > 160 mg/kg.

Effects on Reproduction: Reproduction studies in rats fed 10, 20 and 80 mg/kg daily and bred through one or two matings showed no congenital anomalies, nor were there adverse effects on lactation of the dams or growth of the newborn. However, in another study at 100 mg/kg daily there was noted a significant decrease in thefertilizationrate and a marked decrease in the viability and body weight of off-spring which may be attributable to sedative activity, thus resulting in lack of interest in mating and lessened

maternal nursing and care of the young. Oneneonatein each of the first and second matings in the rat reproduction study at the 100 mg/kg dose exhibited major skeletal defects. Further studies are in progress to determine the significance of these findings.

Medication Guide


To assure the safe and effective use of benzodiazepines, patients should be informed that, since benzodiazepines may produce psychological and physical dependence, it is advisable that they consult with their physician before either increasing the dose or abruptly discontinuing this drug.

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