Is Diverticulitis Contagious?

What is diverticulitis?

Diverticulitisis an inflammation of adiverticulumand/or diverticula (an abnormal pouch or sacs formed at a weak point in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract). Inflammation of adiverticulumcausespainand disturbance of bowel function. Signs andsymptoms of diverticulitisinclude the following:

More severe symptoms includefever, abdominal tenderness, swollen abdomen, and fistula formation.

Is diverticulitis contagious?

Causes ofdiverticulitisare either infectious (bacteria causing inflammation) and/or noninfectious (foods or seeds causing erosion and inflammation when trapped inside a diverticulum). However,diverticulitisis notcontagious.

Fordiverticulitisto occur, an individual must have diverticula develop in their gastrointestinal tracts. There is no evidence that diverticula development iscontagious. Medical treatments, for example,metronidazole(Flagyl),ciprofloxacin(Cipro,Cipro XR, Proquin XR),amoxicillin and clavulanic acid(Augmentin), and many others may cure some episodes ofdiverticulitis, but the diverticula can become re-infected and/or irritated with agents that cause inflammation. Unfortunately,diverticulitiscan reoccur. Once the diverticula are formed they become life-long structures unless removed by surgery.

我在憩室炎的攻击,病人nstructed to only eat a clearliquid diet(broth, Jell-O, clear fluids without any pulp). To help prevent further problems, it is advised to eat a high-fiberdietor avegetariandietas they are associated with lowering the risk of recurrent disease. Meals should include whole-grain breads, pastas, fresh fruit and vegetables. There is some controversy about which foods to avoid - popcorn,corn, foods with seeds in them and nuts have been recommended to avoid, but there is inadequate data to support this recommendation.

How will I know if I have diverticulitis?

The preliminary diagnosis is usually made by the person's history of symptoms and the physical exam. ACT scanis considered one of the best methods to confirm the diagnosis of diverticulitis. Often blood tests are performed to help diagnose complications of the disease.

How will I know if I am cured of diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is cured (or brought into remission) when the symptoms described above resolve. This occurs after the causative factors of the inflammation are removed, so thepainof diverticulitis may last hours or days. Consequently, it is important to initiate antibiotic treatments early. Symptoms generally begin to remit in about 2 to 4 days.

However, other than infection from bacteria, there is another potential causative factor for the inflammation (food or seed blockage and/or irritation of the tissue in the diverticula). In this situation, remission of symptoms depends upon successful resolution of the inflammation. Surgery can also be required with severe infectious diverticulitis. Approximately 15% to 25% of patients that have their first episode of diverticulitis will need surgery to treat the disease.

When should I seek emergency medical care for diverticulitis?

  • If a person developssymptoms of diverticulitis他们应该立即寻求医疗。
  • Any person that develops severeabdominal painwith tenderness should go immediately to the nearest emergency center for evaluation.
  • Medical care should be sought if a person develops blood in the stools orfeverwithabdominal painthat does not go away.


Bowel regularity means a bowel movement every day.See Answer
"Diverticular Disease and Diet." USFC Medical Center. .

Ghoulam,埃利M。“憩室炎。”起到了推动作用。8月。6, 2019. .