Definition of Hypomania

Hypomania:A condition similar tomaniabut less severe. The symptoms are similar with elevated mood, increased activity, decreased need for sleep, grandiosity, racing thoughts, and the like. However, hypomanic episodes differ in that they do not cause significant distress or impair one's work, family, or social life in an obvious way whilemanicepisodes do.

Hypomanic people tend to be unusually cheerful, have more than ample energy, and need little sleep.Hypomaniais a pleasurable state. It may confer a heightenedsenseof creativity and power. However, hypomania can subtly impair a person's judgment. Too much confidence can conceal the consequences of decisions.

Hypomania can be difficult to diagnose because it may masquerade as mere happiness. It is important to diagnose hypomania because, as an expression ofbipolar disorder,它可以循环到抑郁症和携带一个increased risk of suicide.

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