How Do Urinary Antispasmodic Agents Work?

Reviewed on12/6/2021

How do urinary antispasmodic agents work?

Urinaryantispasmodicagents are medications prescribed to treatbladderoveractivity which can causeurinary urgencyandincontinence. Urinary antispasmodic agents increase bladder capacity, delay the desire tovoid, decrease the frequency and urgency to urinate, and reducepain造成的困难inurination.

Urinary antispasmodic agents relax the detrusorsmooth musclewhich contracts to releaseurineand prevent spasms of the muscles around theurinary tract. Urinary antispasmodic agents work in the following ways to decrease uninhibited bladder contractions:

  • Blockacetylcholinefrom stimulating muscarinic receptors, which areproteinmolecules on smoothmuscle膀胱粘膜细胞。乙酰胆碱是一种钠tural chemical (neurotransmitter) thatnerveendings secrete to make muscles contract.
  • Block the activity phosphodiesterase, anenzymethat breaks down signaling molecules known as cyclicadenosinemonophosphate (cAMP). An increase in cAMP concentration results in the relaxation of smooth muscles.

How are urinary antispasmodic agents used?

Urinary antispasmodic agents are available as:

  • Oraltablets or syrups
  • Topicalgels
  • Transdermal patches

Urinary antispasmodic agents are approved by theFDAfor the treatment of the following conditions:

What are side effects of urinary antispasmodic agents?

Side effects of urinary antispasmodic agents may include the following:

Information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible side effects, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. Check with yourdoctoror药剂师to make sure these drugs do not cause any harm when you take them along with other medicines. Never stop taking yourmedicationand never change your dose or frequency without consulting your doctor.

What are names of urinary antispasmodic agents?

Genericand brand names of urinary antispasmodic agents include:


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