How Do Opioid Analgesics Work?

Reviewed on9/22/2021

How do opioid analgesics work?

Opioidanalgesics are medications prescribed for the management ofacuteandchronic paininmany conditions. Opioid analgesics are also used to treat opioid use disorder. Opioid medications have a high risk foraddictionand must be used with great caution.

All opioid analgesics bind to opioid receptors but work in different ways. Opioid receptors areproteinmolecules onnerve cell(neuron) membranes in thecentralandperipheralnervous systems. Opioid receptors mediate the body’s response to most hormones and some of their functions include modulatingpain,stressresponse,respiration, digestion, mood, and emotion.

The five different opioid receptors discovered in the human body are:

  • Mureceptor(MOR)
  • Kappa receptor (KOR)
  • Delta receptor (DOR)
  • Nociceptin receptor (NOR)
  • Zeta receptor (ZOR)

Opioid analgesics work by binding to one or more of the opioid receptors. Opioid analgesics are primarily of three types:

  • Opioid agonists: Full opioid agonists relieve pain by stimulating opioid receptors on neurons, which inhibit the release of chemicals (neurotransmitters) that transmit pain signals.
  • Partial opioid agonists: Partial opioid agonists elicit a partial functional response because they work as agonists in some receptors and antagonists in others, and consequently, produce fewer adverse effects than full agonists while being effective for pain relief (analgesia).
  • Opioid antagonists: Opioid antagonists bind to opioid receptors but do not produce any functional response. Opioid antagonists prevent agonists from binding to the particular opioid receptor and are useful in treating opioid dependence.

How are opioid analgesics used?

Opioid analgesics come in many formulations and strengths. Opioid analgesics are administered through several routes such as:

  • Oral: Tablets, capsules, syrups, solutions, lozenges
  • Rectal: Suppositories
  • Ureteral: Suppositories
  • Transmucosal:
  • Nasal: Sprayed into thenostril
  • Injections:
  • Subdermal:Implantplaced under the skin on the inner side of the upperarm, for slow release ofmedicationthat lasts up to six months
  • Transdermal: Applied as a skin patch that slowly releases medication over 7 days, and is absorbed through the skin

Opioid analgesics are used to manage severe pain when alternative treatments are inadequate, and to treat opioid use disorder. Some opioid analgesics are used to treatdiarrheabecause they inhibitstomachacid secretion andgastrointestinalpropulsion and motility. Opioid analgesics should be used with caution in patients withkidneyorliverimpairment.

Opioid overdose can have severe consequences, andnaloxone, an opioidantagonist, is administered to reverse opioid effects in case of opioid overdose. Opioid analgesics are typically never abruptly discontinued, but tapered with an opioidagonist/antagonist combination before weaning off.

Opioid analgesics may be used in conditions that include:

What are side effects of opioid analgesics?

Side effects of opioid analgesics may include the following:

Information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible side effects, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. Check with yourdoctoror药剂师为了确保这些药物时不造成任何伤害n you take them along with other medicines. Never stop taking your medication and never change your dose or frequency without consulting your doctor.

What are names of some opioid analgesic drugs?

Genericand brand names of some opioidanalgesicdrugs include:


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