How Do Mucolytic Enzymes Work?

Reviewed on1/12/2022

How do mucolytic enzymes work?

Mucolyticenzymesare medications usedinthe management ofcystic fibrosis, an inheritedgeneticdisorder that affects thewaterbalancein body fluids such asmucus,sweat, and tears, making them more viscous. Mucolytic enzymes break up the mucus in theairwayandlungs, and reduce its viscoelasticity, making it easier tocoughit up.

Cystic fibrosis affects the free movement ofchlorideions through cells, which isessentialfor attracting water to maintain the right consistency of mucus and other body fluids. With insufficient water, the mucus in therespiratory systembecomes thick and sticky, clogs the airways, and traps germs, leading to persistent infections,inflammation, and lung damage.

Infections attractimmunecells known as neutrophils, which attack thebacteriaand induce inflammation. TheDNAmaterial from dead neutrophils accumulates and further thickens the mucus, leading to repeated infections and irreversible lung damage.

的黏液溶解的enzymeapproved byFDAto treat cystic fibrosis is arecombinanthuman DNase 1, an enzyme thatcutsup the DNA released by the dead neutrophils into small fragments, reducing the viscosity of the mucus and facilitating its easyexpectoration.

Mucolytic enzymes are typically used in conjunction with standard therapies for cystic fibrosis. Mucolytic enzymes prevent the clogging up of lungs, break the cycle of repeated infections, inflammations, and resultant lung damage, and improve overallpulmonaryfunction.

How are mucolytic enzymes used?

Mucolytic enzymes are solutions that are orally inhaled using anebulizerwhich turns the solution into a fine mist. Mucolytic enzymes are used to thin the mucus and improve pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis, in conjunction with standard treatment.

Mucolytic enzymes also have an orphan designation for the treatment ofsarcoidosis, aconditionin which inflammatory cells form clumps known as granulomas in many organs including the lungs, causing inflammation and damage.

What are side effects of mucolytic enzymes?

Side effects of mucolytic enzymes may include the following:

Information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible side effects, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. Check with yourdoctororpharmacistto make sure these drugs do not cause any harm when you take them along with other medicines. Never stop taking yourmedicationand never change your dose or frequency without consulting your doctor.

What are names of some mucolytic enzymes?

Genericand brand names of the FDA-approved mucolytic enzyme are:


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