How Do Aminopenicillins Work?

Reviewed on10/22/2021

How Do Aminopenicillins Work?

Aminopenicillins是一组的ntibioticsinthepenicillinfamilythat have an additional amino group that enhances itsantibacterialactivity. They are used for a widerangeof infections such asurinary,respiratory,skin, andgastrointestinalinfections. These are chemically similar to penicillins but have a broader spectrum of activity.

Aminopenicillins were developed in the 1960s and have greater activity againstgram-negativebacteria(such asEscherichia coliandHaemophilus influenzae) compared withgram-positivebacteria. Gram-positive andgram-negativebacteria are structurally different and classified depending on whether they get stained or not by a violet dye used inlaboratorytests known as theGram staintest.

Aminopenicillins work by inhibitingbacterialcellwallsynthesis. The cell wall is the layer over the bacterial cellmembrane, which protects them when they grow and helps maintain their shape. When the bacteria divide, it must temporarily create "holes" in its cell wall to allow for growth and separation of the cells. When abacteriumdivides in the presence of aminopenicillin, it cannot fill in the "holes" left in its cell wall.

How Are Aminopenicillins Used?

What Are Side Effects of Aminopenicillins?

Common side effects include:

Other rare side effects include:

The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible side effects, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure these drugs do not cause any harm when you take them along with other medicines. Never stop taking your medication and never change your dose or frequency without consulting your doctor.

What Are Names of Aminopenicillins Drugs?

Drug names include:

Medscape. Penicillins, Amino.

Antimicrobe. Penicillins.

ScienceDirect. Aminopenicillin.,pathogens%2C%20including%20Escherichia%20coli%20and

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