Definition of High blood sugar

High blood sugar:An elevated level of thesugarglucoseintheblood. Also called hyperglycemia.

High bloodsugaris a finding in a number of conditions, most notablydiabetes mellitus. Elevatedblood glucoseleads to spillage of glucose into theurine(糖尿),这样尿是甜。(The termdiabetes mellitusmeans "sweet urine.")

Aside fromdiabetes, the many other causes of highblood sugarinclude just eating more sugar (orfood) than usual, the presence of aninfectionor another illness, aninjuryand the stress ofsurgery.

High blood sugar may produce few or no symptoms. When there are symptoms, they may be dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination, urination during the night, blurry vision, fatigue or drowsiness, weight loss, or increased appetite.

An elevated level of blood sugar may be a useful independent indicator of heart disease risk. The risk of dying fromheart diseasehas been found to rise as the level of blood glucose increases (regardless of age, weight,blood pressure, cholesterol and smoking status).

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