Definition of HDL cholesterol

HDL cholesterol:High density脂蛋白cholesterol.Lipoproteins, which are combinations offats(脂质) andproteins, are the forminwhich lipids are transported in theblood. HDLs transportcholesterolfrom the tissues of the body to the liver, so the cholesterol can be eliminated in thebile.HDL cholesterolis therefore considered the 'good' cholesterol: The higher theHDL cholesterollevel, the lower the risk of coronary artery disease.The average man has anHDLcholesterol level of 40 to 50mg/dL. In the average woman,HDLlevelsrangefrom 50 to 60 mg/dL. An HDL cholesterol of 60 mg/dL or higher gives some protection against heart disease. Regular aerobic exercise, loss of excess weight (fat), and cessation of cigarette smoking increase HDLcholesterol levels. When lifestyle modifications are insufficient, medications can be used.

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