Haldol vs. Thorazine

Are Haldol and Thorazine the Same Thing?

Haldol(haloperidol) andThorazine(chlorpromazine) areantipsychoticdrugs used to treat psychotic disorders likeschizophreniaand also to treat severe behavior problemsinchildren.

Haldol is also used tocontrol非常贴切or(movement) and verbal (for example, Tourette'ssyndrome) tics.

Thorazine is also used to treatbipolar disorder, to treatnauseaand vomiting,anxietybeforesurgery,chronichiccups,acuteintermittentporphyria, and symptoms oftetanus.

The brand name Thorazine is discontinued in the U.S.Generic形式可能是可用的。

Side effectsof Haldol and Thorazine that are similar includedry mouth,dizziness, drowsiness,sleepproblems (insomnia), anxiety,breastenlargement ordischarge, changes inmenstrualperiods, andblurred vision.

Side effects of Haldol that are different from Thorazine include nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, nervousness,headache, spinningsensation, restlessness,skinrash,itching, spontaneouseyemovements, mood changes, loss of interest in sex, difficulty urinating or urinating less than usual, and occasional movement disorders.

Side effects of Thorazine that are different from Haldol include weight gain, swelling in hands orfeet,stuffy nose,constipation,impotence, or trouble having anorgasm.

Both Haldol and Thorazine may interact withalcoholand other drugs that make you sleepy or slow yourbreathing(sleeping pills,narcoticpainmedicines,prescriptioncoughmedicines,musclerelaxers, or medicines for anxiety,depression, or seizures).

Haldol may also interact withcancermedicines, anti-malariamedications,heartrhythm medicines, or medicines to treat apsychiatricdisorder.

Thorazine may also interact withatropine,lithium, antibiotics,birth controlpills orhormonereplacementestrogens,blood pressuremedications,bloodthinners,asthmamedications or bronchodilators,incontinencemedications,insulinororaldiabetesmedications,medication恶心和呕吐或非常贴切ion sickness, medications to treat or prevent malaria, medications for generalanesthesia, medicines used to preventorgantransplantrejection, numbing medicine, stimulants,ADHDmedication,ulceror irritablebowelmedication, medicines to treat帕金森病,restless leg syndrome, orpituitary glandtumor.

Do not stop using Haldol or Thorazine suddenly, or you could have unpleasantwithdrawal symptoms.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Haldol?

Side effects of Haldol include:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • drymouth,
  • nervousness,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • spinning sensation,
  • drowsiness,
  • sleep problems (insomnia),
  • restlessness,
  • anxiety,
  • skin rash,
  • itching,
  • spontaneous eye movements,
  • mood changes,
  • breast enlargement,
  • irregular menstrual periods,
  • loss of interest in sex,
  • blurred vision,
  • difficulty urinating or urinating less than usual, and
  • occasional movement disorders

Severe side effects of Haldol include:

What Are Possible Side Effects of Thorazine?

Tho常见的副作用razine include:

  • dizziness,
  • drowsiness,
  • anxiety,
  • sleep problems (insomnia),
  • breast swelling or discharge,
  • changes in menstrual periods,
  • weight gain,
  • swelling in hands or feet,
  • dry mouth,
  • stuffynose,
  • blurred vision,
  • constipation,
  • impotence, or
  • trouble having an orgasm.

What Is Haldol?

Haldol (haloperidol) is an antipsychotic drug that decreases excitement in thebrain. Haldol is used to treat psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, to control motor (movement) and verbal (for example, Tourette's syndrome) tics and is used to treat severe behavior problems in children.

Haldol is also used to treat or manage:

Haldol Injection is a prescription medicine used to treat:

  • agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolarmania

It is not known if Haldol is safe or effective in children:

  • under 13 years of age with schizophrenia
  • under 10 years of age with bipolar I disorder
  • under 6 years of age with irritability associated with autistic disorder
  • under 6 years of age with Tourette's disorder

What Is Thorazine?

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) is aphenothiazineanti-psychotic medication used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia ormanic-depression, and severe behavioral problems in children. Thorazine is also used to treat nausea and vomiting, anxiety before surgery, chronic hiccups, acute intermittent porphyria, and symptoms of tetanus.

What Drugs Interact With Haldol?

Haldol may interact with other drugs so thepatientneeds close observation or monitoring to determine if other side effects develop.

What Drugs Interact With Thorazine?

Thorazine may interact with atropine, lithium,phenytoin, antibiotics, birth control pills or hormone replacement estrogens, blood pressure medications, blood thinners, asthma medications or bronchodilators, incontinence medications, insulin or oral diabetes medications, medication for nausea, vomiting, or motion sickness, medications to treat or prevent malaria, medications used for general anesthesia, medicines used to prevent organ transplant rejection, numbing medicine, stimulants, ADHD medication, ulcer or irritable bowel medication, medicines to treat Parkinson'sdisease, restlesslegsyndrome, orpituitaryglandtumor. Many other medicines can interact with chlorpromazine. Tell yourdoctorall medications you use. Duringpregnancy, chlorpromazine should be used only if prescribed. It may cause side effects in a newborn if the非常贴切hertakes the medication during pregnancy. Chlorpromazine can pass intobreast milkand may harm anursingbaby. Consult your doctor beforebreastfeeding. Withdrawal symptoms may occur if you are on a high dosage of this medication and abruptly stop taking it.

How Should Haldol Be Taken?

Haldol (ziprasidone HCl) is available as capsules and Haldol (ziprasidone mesylate) is available as an injection forintramuscularuse.

Haldol Capsules should be administered at an initial daily dose of 20mgtwice daily withfood. For intramuscular dosing, the recommended dose of Haldol is 10 mg to 20 mg administered as required up to a maximum dose of 40 mg per day.

How Should Thorazine Be Taken?

Dosing of Thorazine depends on severity of thecondition, and the patient's response to the drug.


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Drug information found in the drug comparisons published on RxList.com is primarily sourced from the FDA drug information. The drug comparison information found in this article does not contain any data from clinical trials with human participants or animals performed by any of the drug manufacturers comparing the drugs.

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If you have specific questions regarding a drug’s safety, side effects, usage, warnings, etc., you should contact your doctor or pharmacist, or refer to the individual drug monograph details found on the FDA.gov or RxList.com websites for more information.

You may also report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by visiting the FDA MedWatch website or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.


DailyMed. Haldol Product Information.


DailyMed. Thorazine Product Monograph.


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