Definition of Galactorrhea

Galactorrhea:The spontaneous flow of milk from the乳头at any time other than during nursing.

Galactorrheacan be due to "normal" factors such as an unrecognized pregnancy,trauma, surgery, overexercise or one of a number of drugs (includingamphetamine, cimetidine, female hormone replacement therapy, hydroxyzine, methyldopa,nicotine, narcotics, reserpine,antidepressantsof the so-called tricyclic type, or verapamil).

Galactorrhea can also be due to "abnormal" factors of apathologicnature such ascirrhosisof the liver, a false pregnancy (pseudocyesis), renal (kidney) failure, disorders of thespinal cord, or a prolactinoma (abenignpituitarytumor that secretes the hormoneprolactinwhich stimulates milk production).

The word "galactorrhea" comes from the Greek "galaktos" meaning "milk" + "rhein" meaning "to flow" = "to flow milk." (The naturally occurring sugar in breast milk is called galactose.) Galactorrhea is also sometimes called女巫的牛奶.

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