Definition of Foreskin

Foreskin:The fold ofskinwhich covers the head (theglans) of thepenis. Also called theprepuce.

Only about 1inevery 20 boys is born with a retractableforeskin. This reflects the fact that the histologic (tissue)developmentof the foreskin is usually not complete at birth.

The foreskin is thus not fully separable from the glans in about 96% ofnewborn男孩。通过一年的1ar, the foreskin can be retracted in 50% of boys and by 3 years, the foreskin can be retracted in 80% to 90% of uncircumcised boys.

Newborn circumcision diminishes the risk for cancer of the penis and lowers the risk for cancer of the cervix in sexual partners. It also decreases the risk of urinary tract infections and lowers the risk ofsexually transmitted diseases, including especially HIV.

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