
Medical Editor: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP Last updated on RxList:4/12/2023

Drug Summary

What Is Fibricor?

而r (fenofibric acid) is alipid-regulating agent indicated as an adjunctivetherapyto diet for treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia andinpatients withprimaryhypercholesterolemiaor mixeddyslipidemia.

What Are Side Effects of Fibricor?

而r may cause serious side effects including:

  • sharp stomach pain spreading to your back or shoulder blade,
  • loss of appetite,
  • stomach pain just after eating a meal,
  • 皮肤或眼睛发黄(黄疸),
  • fever,
  • chills,
  • weakness,
  • sore throat,
  • mouth sores,
  • 不寻常的瘀伤或出血,
  • chest pain,
  • sudden cough,
  • wheezing,
  • rapid breathing,
  • coughing up blood, and
  • swelling, warmth or redness in an arm or leg

Get medical help right away, if you have any of the symptoms listed above.

Commonside effectsof Fibricor include:

Seek medical care or call 911 at once if you have the following serious side effects:

  • Serious eye symptoms such as sudden vision loss, blurred vision, tunnel vision, eye pain or swelling, or seeing halos around lights;
  • Serious heart symptoms such as fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeats; fluttering in your chest; shortness of breath; and sudden dizziness, lightheadedness, or passing out;
  • 严重头痛、混乱、口齿不清、手臂或leg weakness, trouble walking, loss of coordination, feeling unsteady, very stiff muscles, high fever, profuse sweating, or tremors.

This document does not contain all possible side effects and others may occur. Check with your physician for additional information about side effects.

Dosage for Fibricor?

而r (fenofibric acid) is indicated as an adjunctive therapy to diet for treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia and in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia. Most common adverse reactions seen with the use of Fibricor are increases in liver function tests,腹部pain, back pain, and headache.

What Drugs, Substances, or Supplements Interact with Fibricor?

而r may be taken with or without meals. Fibricor is available in two strengths: 35 mg and 105 mg. For severe hypertriglyceridemia the recommended dose is 35 to 105 mg/day, though the dose should be adjusted according topatientresponse. Patients with primaryhyperlipidemiaor mixed dyslipidemia should receive 105 mg/day.

而r During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

而r may interact with cyclosporine,bloodthinners, diuretics (waterpills), birthcontrolpills orhormonereplacement therapy, or beta-blockers. Tell yourdoctorall medications and supplements you use. Safety inpregnantwomen has not been established, and Fibricor should be used duringpregnancyonly if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to thefetus. Fibricor should not be used whilebreastfeeding. A decision should be made whether to discontinuenursingor to discontinue the drug.

Additional Information

Our Fibricor Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking thismedication.

而r may be taken with or without meals. Fibricor is available in two strengths: 35 mg and 105 mg. For severe hypertriglyceridemia the recommended dose is 35 to 105 mg/day, though the dose should be adjusted according to patient response. Patients with primary hyperlipidemia or mixed dyslipidemia should receive 105 mg/day. Fibricor may interact with cyclosporine, blood thinners, diuretics (water pills), birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, or beta-blockers. Tell your doctor all medications and supplements you use. Safety in pregnant women has not been established, and Fibricor should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Fibricor should not be used while breastfeeding. A decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug.

Our Fibricor Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

Drug Description


FIBRICOR is alipidregulating agent available as tablets for oral administration. Each tablet contains 35 mg or 105 mg of fenofibric acid. The chemical name for fenofibric acid is 2-[4-(4-chlorobenzoyl)phenoxy]-2methylpropanoic acid with the following structural formula:

FIBRICOR® (fenofibric acid) Structural Formula Illustration

Fenofibric acid is a white to almost white crystalline powder that is stable under ordinary conditions, and has a melting point of 179 – 183°C. Its empirical formula is C17H15ClO4和分子量318.75。非诺贝酸在soluble in water; its solubility increases with pH in buffered media.

Inactive Ingredients

Each tablet contains copovidone, crospovidone, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.



Severe Hypertriglyceridemia

FIBRICOR is indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet for treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia (≥ 500 mg/dL). Improving glycemic control in diabetic patients showing fasting chylomicronemia will usually obviate the need for pharmacologic intervention.

Markedly elevated levels of serum triglycerides > 2000 mg/dL may increase the risk of developing pancreatitis. The effect of fenofibrate therapy on reducing this risk has not been adequately studied.

Primary Hypercholesterolemia Or Mixed Dyslipidemia

FIBRICOR is indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet to reduce elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), total cholesterol (Total-C), triglycerides (TG), and apolipoprotein B (Apo B), and to increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia.

Important Limitations Of Use

Fenofibrate at a dose equivalent to 105 mg of FIBRICOR was not shown to reduce coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS].



General Considerations

FIBRICOR can be given without regard to meals. Patients should be advised to swallow FIBRICOR tablets whole. Do not crush, dissolve or chew tablets.

Patients should be placed on an appropriate lipid-lowering diet before receiving FIBRICOR and should continue this diet during treatment with fenofibric acid.

The initial treatment for dyslipidemia is dietary therapy specific for the type of lipoprotein abnormality. Excess body weight and excess alcoholic intake may be important factors in hypertriglyceridemia and should be addressed prior to any drug therapy. Physical exercise can be an important ancillary measure.

Diseases contributory to hyperlipidemia, such as hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus should be looked for and adequately treated. Estrogen therapy, thiazide diuretics and beta-blockers, are sometimes associated with massive rises in plasma triglycerides, especially in subjects with familial hypertriglyceridemia. In such cases, discontinuation of the specific etiologic agent mayobviate the need for specific drug therapy of hypertriglyceridemia.

Periodic determination of serum lipids should be obtained during initial therapy in order to establish the lowest effective dose of FIBRICOR. Therapy should be withdrawn in patients who do not have an adequate response after two months of treatmentwiththemaximumrecommendeddose of105mgperday.

Consideration should be given to reducing the dosage of FIBRICOR if lipid levels fall significantly below the targeted range.

Severe Hypertriglyceridemia

The initial dose is 35 to 105 mg per day. Dosage should be individualized according to patient response, and should be adjusted if necessary following repeat lipid determinations at 4 to 8 week intervals. The maximum dose is 105 mg once daily.

Primary Hypercholesterolemia Or Mixed Dyslipidemia

The dose of FIBRICOR is 105 mg per day.

Impaired Renal Function

In patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment, treatment with FIBRICOR should be initiated at a dose of 35 mg once daily, and increased only after evaluation of the effects on renal function and lipid levels at this dose. The use of FIBRICOR should be avoided in patients with severe renal impairment [seeUse In Specific PopulationsandCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].

Geriatric Patients

Dose selection for the elderly should be made on the basis of renal function [seeUse In Specific PopulationsandCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].


Dosage Forms And Strengths

  • 35-mg: White, round tablets. Debossed “AR 787”.
  • 105-mg: White, modified oval tablets. Debossed “AR 788”.

Storage And Handling

FIBRICOR® (fenofibric acid) Tablets 35 mg, are white, round tablets, debossed “AR 787” on one side and blank on the other side.

Bottles of 30NDC71511-501-30

FIBRICOR® (fenofibric acid) Tablets 105 mg, are white, modified oval tablets, debossed “AR 788” on one side and blank on the other side.

Bottles of 30NDC71511-502-30

Store at USP controlled room temperature 20-25°C (68-77°F); excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F)


制造:雅典娜生物科学啊C Athens, GA 30601. Revised: Jun 2021

Side Effects


The following serious adverse reactions are described below and elsewhere in the labeling:

  • Mortality and coronary heart disease morbidity [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]
  • Hepatoxicity [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]
  • Pancreatitis [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]
  • Hypersensitivity reactions [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]
  • Venothromboembolic disease [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]

Clinical Trials Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in clinical practice.

Adverse reactions reported by 2% or more of patients treated with fenofibrate (and greater than placebo) during the double-blind, placebo-controlled trials are listed in Table 1. Adverse reactions led to discontinuation of treatment in 5% of patients treated with fenofibrate and in 3% treated with placebo. Increases in liver function tests were the most frequent events, causing discontinuation of fenofibrate treatment in 1.6% of patients in double-blind trials.

Table 1: Adverse Reactions Reported by 2% or More of Patients Treated with Fenofibrate* During the Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials

Adverse Reactions
(N = 365)
Abdominal Pain 4.6% 4.4%
Back Pain 3.4% 2.5%
Headache 3.2% 2.7%
Abnormal Liver Function Tests 7.5%2 1.4%
Nausea 2.3% 1.9%
Constipation 2.1% 1.4%
Increased ALT 3.0% 1.6%
Increased CPK 3.0% 1.4%
增加AST 3.4%2 0.5%
Respiratory Disorder 6.2% 5.5%
Rhinitis 2.3% 1.1%
1Fenofibric acid is the active moiety of fenofibrate; Fenofibrate dosage equivalent to 105 mg fenofibric acid.
2Significantly different from Placebo.

Urticaria was seen in 1.1 vs. 0%, and rash in 1.4 vs. 0.8% of fenofibrate and placebo patients respectively in controlled trials.

Increases In Liver Enzymes

In a pooled analysis of 10 placebo-controlled trials, increases to > 3 times the upper limit of normal in ALT occurred in 5.3% of patients taking fenofibrate versus 1.1% of patients treated with placebo. In an 8-week study, the incidence of ALT or AST elevations ≥ 3 times the upper limit of normal was 13% in patients receiving dosages equivalent to 35 mg to 105 mg FIBRICORdailyandwas0%inthosereceivingdosages equivalentto35mgor less FIBRICORdailyor placebo.

Postmarketing Experience

The following adverse reactions have been identified during post approval use of fenofibrate. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure: myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis, muscle spasm, acute renal failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis, increased total bilirubin, anemia, headache, arthralgia, decreases in hemoglobin, decreases in hematocrit, white blood cell decreases, asthenia, severely depressed HDL-cholesterol levels, and interstitial lung disease. Photosensitivity reactions have occurred days to months after initiation; in some of these cases, patients reported a prior photosensitivity reaction to ketoprofen.

Drug Interactions


Coumarin Anticoagulants

Potentiation of coumarin-type anticoagulant effects has been observed with prolongation of the PT/INR. Caution should be exercised when coumarin anticoagulants are given in conjunction with FIBRICOR. The dosage of the anticoagulants should be reduced to maintain the prothrombin time/INR at the desired level to prevent bleeding complications. Frequent prothrombin time/INR determinations are advisable until it has been definitely determined that the prothrombin time/INR has stabilized [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS].

Bile-Acid Binding Resins

Since bile-acid binding resins may bind other drugs given concurrently, patients should take FIBRICOR at least 1 hour before or 4 to 6 hours after taking a bile-acid binding resin to avoid impeding its absorption.


Immunosuppressant agents such as cyclosporine and tacrolimus can produce nephrotoxicity with decreases in creatinine clearance and rises in serum creatinine, and because renal excretion is the primary elimination route of fibrate drugs, including FIBRICOR, there is a risk that an interaction will lead to deterioration of renal function. The benefits and risks of using FIBRICOR with immunosuppressants and other potentially nephrotoxic agents should be carefully considered, and the lowest effective dose employed and renal function monitored.


Cases of myopathy, including rhabdomyolysis, have been reported with fenofibrates co-administered with colchicine, and caution should be exercised when prescribing fenofibrate with colchicine.

Warnings & Precautions


Included as part of thePRECAUTIONSsection.


Mortality And Coronary Heart Disease Morbidity

The effect of FIBRICOR on coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality and non-cardiovascular mortality has not been established.

Diabe行动控制心血管疾病的风险tes Lipid (ACCORD Lipid) trial was a randomized placebo-controlled study of 5518 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on background statin therapy treated with fenofibrate. The mean duration of follow-up was 4.7 years. Fenofibrate plus statin combination therapy showed a non-significant 8% relative risk reduction in the primary outcome of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), a composite of non-fatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, and cardiovascular disease death (hazard ratio [HR] 0.92, 95% CI 0.79–1.08) (p=0.32) as compared to statin monotherapy. In a gender subgroup analysis, the hazard ratio for MACE in men receiving combination therapy versus statin monotherapy was 0.82 (95% CI 0.69–0.99), and the hazard ratio for MACE in women receiving combination therapy versus statin monotherapy was 1.38 (95% CI 0.98–1.94) (interaction p=0.01). The clinical significance of this subgroup finding is unclear.

The Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study was a 5 year randomized, placebo-controlled study of 9795 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with fenofibrate. Fenofibrate demonstrated a non-significant 11% relative reduction in the primary outcome of coronary heart disease events (hazard ratio [HR] 0.89, 95% CI 0.75–1.05, p=0.16) and a significant 11% reduction in the secondary outcome of total cardiovascular disease events (HR 0.89 [0.80–0.99], p=0.04). There was a non-significant 11% (HR 1.11 [0.95, 1.29], p=0.18) and 19% (HR 1.19 [0.90, 1.57], p=0.22) increase in total and coronary heart disease mortality, respectively, with fenofibrate as compared to placebo.

Because of chemical, pharmacological, and clinical similarities between fenofibrate, clofibrate, and gemfibrozil, the adverse findings in 4 large randomized, placebo-controlled clinical studies with these other fibrate drugs mayalso apply to fenofibric acid.

In the Coronary Drug Project, a large study of post myocardial infarction of patients treated for 5 years with clofibrate, there was no difference in mortality seen between the clofibrate group and the placebo group. There was however, a difference in the rate of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis requiring surgery between the two groups (3.0% vs. 1.8%).

In a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), 5000 subjects without known coronary artery disease were treated with placebo or clofibrate for 5 years and followed for an additional one year. There was a statistically significant, higher age – adjusted all-cause mortality in the clofibrate group compared with the placebo group (5.70% vs. 3.96%, p<0.01). Excess mortality was due to a 33% increase in non-cardiovascular causes, including malignancy, postcholecystectomy complications, and pancreatitis. This appeared to confirm the higher risk of gallbladder disease seen in clofibrate-treated patients studied in the Coronary Drug Project.

The Helsinki Heart Study was a large (n=4081) study of middle-aged men without a history of coronary artery disease. Subjects received either placebo or gemfibrozil for 5 years, with a 3.5-year open extension afterward. Total mortality was numerically higher in the gemfibrozil randomization group but did not achieve statistical significance (p=0.19, 95% confidence interval for relative risk = 0.91–1.64). Although cancer deaths trended higher in the gemfibrozil group (p=0.11), cancers (excluding basal cell carcinoma) were diagnosed with equal frequency in both study groups. Due to the limited size of the study, the relative risk of death from any cause was not shown to be different than that seen in the 9-year follow-up data from World Health Organization study (relative risk=1.29).

A secondary prevention component of the Helsinki Heart Study enrolled middle-aged men excluded from the primary prevention study because of known or suspected coronary heart disease. Subjects received gemfibrozil or placebo for 5 years. Although cardiac deaths trended higher in the gemfibrozil group, this was not statistically significant (HR 2.2, 95% confidence interval: 0.94–5.05).


Serious drug-induced liver injury (DILI), including liver transplantation and death, have been reported postmarketing with fenofibric acid. DILI has been reported within the first few weeks of treatment or after several months of therapy and in some cases has reversed with discontinuation of fenofibric acid treatment. Patients with DILI have experienced signs and symptoms including dark urine, abnormal stool, jaundice, malaise, abdominal pain, myalgia, weight loss, pruritus, and nausea. Many patients had concurrent elevations of total bilirubin, serum alanine transaminase (ALT), and aspartate transaminase (AST). DILI has been characterized as hepatocellular, chronic active, and cholestatic hepatitis, and cirrhosis has occurred in association with chronic active hepatitis.

In clinical trials, fenofibrate (administered over a range of doses with the higher dose equivalent to 105 mg fenofibric acid) has been associated with increases in serum AST or ALT. The incidence of increases in transaminases may be dose related [seeADVERSE REACTIONS].

FIBRICOR is contraindicated in patients with active liver disease, including those with primary biliary cirrhosis and unexplained persistent liver function abnormalities [seeCONTRAINDICATIONS]. Monitor patient’s liver function, including serum ALT, AST, and total bilirubin, at baseline and periodically for the duration of therapy with FIBRICOR. Discontinue FIBRICOR if signs or symptoms of liver injury develop or if elevated enzyme levels persist (ALT or AST > 3 times the upper limit of normal, or if accompanied by elevation of bilirubin). Do not restart FIBRICOR in these patients if there is no alternative explanation for the liver injury.

Myopathy And Rhabdomyolysis

Fibrates increase the risk for myopathy and have been associated with rhabdomyolysis. The risk for serious muscle toxicity appears to be increased in elderly patients and in patients with diabetes, renal failure, or hypothyroidism.

Data from observational studies suggest that the risk for rhabdomyolysis is increased when fibrates, in particular gemfibrozil, are co-administered with a statin. The combination should be avoided unless the benefit of further alterations in lipid levels is likely to outweigh the increased risk of this drug combination [seeCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].

Myopathy should be considered in any patient with diffuse myalgias, muscle tenderness or weakness, and/or marked elevations of creatine phosphokinase levels.

Patients should be advised to report promptly unexplained muscle pain, tenderness or weakness, particularly if accompanied by malaise or fever. CPK levels should be assessed in patients reporting these symptoms, and FIBRICOR therapy should be discontinued if markedly elevated CPK levels occur or myopathy/myositis is suspected or diagnosed.

Cases of myopathy, including rhabdomyolysis, have been reported with fenofibrates co-administered with colchicine, and caution should be exercised when prescribing fenofibrate with colchicine [seeDRUG INTERACTIONS].

Serum Creatinine

Elevations in serum creatinine have been reported in patients on fenofibrate. These elevations tend to return to baseline following discontinuation of fenofibrate. The clinical significance of these observations is unknown. Renal monitoring should be considered for patients with renal impairment and for patients at risk for renal insufficiency, such as the elderly and patients with diabetes.


FIBRICOR,likefenofibrate,clofibrate andgemfibrozil,mayincreasecholesterol excretionintothebile,leadingto cholelithiasis. If cholelithiasis is suspected, gallbladder studies are indicated. FIBRICOR therapy should be discontinued if gallstones are found.

Coumarin Anticoagulants

Caution should be exercised when coumarin anticoagulants are given in conjunction with FIBRICOR. FIBRICOR may potentiate the anticoagulant effects of these agents resulting in prolongation of the prothrombin time/International Normalized Ratio (PT/INR). To prevent bleeding complications, frequent monitoring of PT/INR and dose adjustment of the anticoagulant are recommended until the PT/INR has stabilized [seeDRUG INTERACTIONS].


Pancreatitis has been reported in patients taking fenofibrate. This occurrence may represent a failure of efficacy in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia, a direct drug effect, or a secondary phenomenon mediated through biliary tract stone or sludge formation with obstruction of the common bile duct.

Hematological Changes

轻度到中度他moglobin, hematocrit, and white blood cell decreases have been observed in patients following initiation of fenofibrate therapy. However, these levels stabilize during long-term administration. Thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis have been reported in individuals treated with fenofibrate. Periodic monitoring of red and white blood cell counts is recommended during the first 12 months of FIBRICOR administration.

Hypersensitivity Reactions


Anaphylaxis and angioedema have been reported postmarketing with fenofibrate. In some cases, reactions were life-threatening and required emergency treatment. If a patient develops signs or symptoms of an acute hypersensitivity reaction, advise them to seek immediate medical attention and discontinue fenofibrate.

Delayed Hypersensitivity

Severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions (SCAR), including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, and Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), have been reported postmarketing, occurring days to weeks after initiation of fenofibrate. The cases of DRESS were associated with cutaneous reactions (such as rash or exfoliative dermatitis) and a combination of eosinophilia, fever, systemic organ involvement (renal, hepatic, or respiratory). Discontinue fenofibrate and treat patients appropriately if SCAR is suspected.

Venothromboembolic Disease

In the FIELD trial, pulmonary embolus (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were observed at higher rates in the fenofibrate-than the placebo-treated group. Of 9,795 patients enrolled in FIELD, there were 4,900 in the placebo group and 4,895 in the fenofibrate group. For DVT, there were 48 events (1%) in the placebo group and 67 (1%) in the fenofibrate group (p=0.074); and for PE, there were 32 (0.7%) events in the placebo group and 53 (1%) in the fenofibrate group (p=0.022).

In the Coronary Drug Project, a higher proportion of the clofibrate group experienced definite or suspected fatal or nonfatal pulmonary embolism or thrombophlebitis than the placebo group (5.2% vs. 3.3% at five years; p<0.01).

Paradoxical Decreases In HDL Cholesterol Levels

There have been postmarketing and clinical trial reports of severe decreases in HDL cholesterol levels (as low as 2 mg/dL) occurring in diabetic and non-diabetic patients initiated on fibrate therapy. The decrease in HDL-C is mirrored by a decrease in apolipoprotein A1. This decrease has been reported to occur within 2 weeks to years after initiation of fibrate therapy. The HDL-C levels remain depressed until fibrate therapy has been withdrawn; the response to withdrawal of fibrate therapy is rapid and sustained. The clinical significance of this decrease in HDL-C is unknown. It is recommended that HDL-C levels be checked within the first few months after initiation of fibrate therapy. If a severely depressed HDL-C level is detected, fibrate therapy should be withdrawn, and the HDL-C level monitored until it has returned to baseline, and fibrate therapy should not be re-initiated.

Nonclinical Toxicology

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of Fertility

Two dietary carcinogenicity studies have been conducted in rats with fenofibrate. In the first 24-month study, Wistar rats were dosed with fenofibrate at 10, 45, and 200 mg/kg/day, approximately 0.3, 1, and 6 times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 300 mg fenofibrate daily, equivalent to 105 mg of FIBRICOR daily, based on body surface area comparisons. At a dose of 200 mg/kg/day (at 6 times the MRHD), the incidence of liver carcinomas was significantly increased in both sexes. A statistically significant increase in pancreatic carcinomas was observed in males at 1 and 6 times the MRHD; an increase in pancreatic adenomas and benign testicular interstitial cell tumors was observed at 6 times the MRHD in males. In a second 24month rat carcinogenicity study in a different strain of rats (Sprague-Dawley), doses of 10 and 60 mg/kg/day (0.3 and 2 times the MRHD) produced significant increases in the incidence of pancreatic acinar adenomas in both sexes and increases in testicular interstitial cell tumors in males at 2 times the MRHD.

A 117-week carcinogenicity study was conducted in rats comparing three drugs: fenofibrate 10 and 60 mg/kg/day (0.3 and 2 times the MRHD, based on body surface area comparisons), clofibrate (400 mg/kg/day; 2 times the human dose), and gemfibrozil (250 mg/kg/day; 2 times the human dose, based on mg/m² surface area). Fenofibrate increased pancreatic acinar adenomas in both sexes. Clofibrate increased hepatocellular carcinoma and pancreatic acinar adenomas in males and hepatic neoplastic nodules in females. Gemfibrozil increased hepatic neoplastic nodules in males and females, while all three drugs increased testicular interstitial cell tumors in males.

In a 21-month study in CF-1 mice, fenofibrate 10, 45, and 200 mg/kg/day (approximately 0.2, 1, and 3 times the MRHD, based on body surface area comparisons) significantly increased the liver carcinomas in both sexes at 3 times the MRHD. In a second 18-month study at 10, 60, and 200 mg/kg/day, fenofibrate significantly increased the liver carcinomas in male mice and liver adenomas in female mice at 3 times the MRHD.

Electron microscopy studies have demonstrated peroxisomal proliferation following fenofibrate administration to the rat. An adequate study to test for peroxisome proliferation in humans has not been done, but changes in peroxisome morphology and numbers have been observed in humans after treatment with other members of the fibrate class when liver biopsies were compared before and after treatment in the same individual.

Fenofibrate has been demonstrated to be devoid of mutagenic potential in the following tests: Ames, mouse lymphoma, chromosomal aberration and unscheduled DNA synthesis in primary rat hepatocytes.

In fertility studies rats were given oral dietary doses of fenofibrate, males received 61 days prior to mating and females 15 days prior to mating through weaning which resulted in no adverse effect on fertility at doses up to 300 mg/kg/day (10 times the MRHD, based on body surface area comparisons).

Use In Specific Populations


Risk Summary

Limited available data with fenofibrate use in pregnant women are insufficient to determine a drug associated risk of major birth defects, miscarriage or adverse maternal or fetal outcomes. In animal reproduction studies, no evidence of embryo-fetal toxicity was observed with oral administration of fenofibrate in rats and rabbits during organogenesis at doses less than or equivalent to the maximum recommended clinical dose of 135 mg daily, based on body surface area (mg/m²). Adverse reproductive outcomes occurred at higher doses in the presence of maternal toxicity (seeData). FIBRICOR should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

The estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated population is unknown. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2-4% and 15-20%, respectively.


Animal Data

In pregnant rats given oral dietary doses of 14, 127, and 361 mg/kg/day from gestation day 6-15 during the period of organogenesis, no adverse developmental findings were observed at 14 mg/kg/day (less than the clinical exposure at the maximum recommended human dose [MRHD] of 300 mg fenofibrate daily, equivalent to 135 mg daily, based on body surface area comparisons). Increased fetal skeletal malformations were observed at maternally toxic doses (361 mg/kg/day, corresponding to 12 times the clinical exposure at the MRHD) that significantly suppressed maternal body weight gain.

In pregnant rabbits given oral gavage doses of 15, 150, and 300 mg/kg/day from gestation day6-18 during the period of organogenesis and allowed to deliver, no adverse developmentalfindings were observed at 15 mg/kg/day (a dose that approximates the clinical exposure at the MRHD, based on body surface area comparisons). Aborted litters were observed at maternally toxic doses (≥ 150 mg/kg/day, corresponding to ≥ 10 times the clinical exposure at the MRHD) that suppressed maternal body weight gain.

在怀孕的大鼠口服饮食剂量的15日75, and 300 mg/kg/day from gestation day 15 through lactation day 21 (weaning), no adverse developmental effects were observed at 15 mg/kg/day (less than the clinical exposure at the MRHD, based on body surface area comparisons), despite maternal toxicity (decreased weight gain). Post-implantation loss was observed at ≥ 75 mg/kg/day (≥ 2 times the clinical exposure at the MRHD) in the presence of maternal toxicity (decreased weight gain). Decreased pup survival was noted at 300 mg/kg/day (10 times the clinical exposure at the MRHD), which was associated with decreased maternal body weight gain/maternal neglect.


Risk Summary

There is no available information on the presence of fenofibrate in human milk, effects of the drug on the breastfed infant, or the effects on milk production. Fenofibrate is present in the milk of rats, and is therefore likely to be present in human milk. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in breastfed infants, such as disruption of infant lipid metabolism, women should not breastfeed during treatment with FIBRICOR and for 5 days after the final dose [seeCONTRAINDICATIONS].

Pediatric Use

Safety and effectiveness have not been established in pediatric patients.

Geriatric Use

FIBRICOR is substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of adverse reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Fenofibric acid exposure is not influenced by age.

Since elderly patients have a higher incidence of renal impairment, dose selection for the elderly should be made on the basis of renal function [seeDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONandCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY]. Elderly patients with normal renal function should require no dose modifications. Consider monitoring renal function in elderly patients taking FIBRICOR.

Renal Impairment

The use of FIBRICOR should be avoided in patients who have severe renal impairment [seeCONTRAINDICATIONS]. Dose reduction is required in patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment [seeDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONandCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY]. Monitoring renal function in patients with renal impairment is recommended.

Hepatic Impairment

The use of FIBRICOR has not been evaluated in patients with hepatic impairment [seeCONTRAINDICATIONS].

Overdose & Contraindications


There is no specific treatment for overdose with FIBRICOR. General supportive care of the patient is indicated, including monitoring of vital signs and observation of clinical status, should an overdose occur. If indicated, elimination of unabsorbed drug should be achieved by emesis or gastric lavage; usual precautions should be observed to maintain the airway. Because FIBRICOR is highly bound to plasma proteins, hemodialysis should not be considered.


FIBRICOR is contraindicated in:

  • patients with severe renal impairment, including those receiving dialysis [seeCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].
  • patients with active liver disease, including those with primary biliary cirrhosis and unexplained persistent liver function abnormalities [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS].
  • patients with preexisting gallbladder disease [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS].
  • patients with known hypersensitivity to fenofibric acid or fenofibrate [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS].
  • nursing mothers [seeUse In Specific Populations].
Clinical Pharmacology


Mechanism Of Action

The active moiety of FIBRICOR is fenofibric acid. The pharmacological effects of fenofibric acid in both animals and humans have been extensively studied through oral administration of fenofibrate.

非诺贝酸的lipid-modifying效应n in clinical practice have been explained in vivo in transgenic mice and in vitro in human hepatocyte cultures by the activation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α (PPARα). Through this mechanism, fenofibric acid increases lipolysis and elimination of triglyceride-rich particles from plasma by activating lipoprotein lipase and reducing production of apoprotein C-III (an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase activity). The resulting decrease in TG produces an alteration in the size and composition of LDL from small, dense particles to large buoyant particles. These larger particles have a greater affinity for cholesterol receptors and are catabolized rapidly. Activation of PPARα also induces an increase in the synthesis of apoproteins A-I, A-II and HDL-cholesterol.

Fenofibrate also reduces serum uric acid levels in hyperuricemic and normal individuals by increasing the urinary excretion of uric acid.


A variety of clinical studies have demonstrated that elevated levels of total-C, LDL-C, and apo B, an LDL membrane complex, are associated with human atherosclerosis. Similarly, decreased levels of HDL-C and its transport complex, apolipoprotein A (apo AI and apo AII) are associated with the development of atherosclerosis. Epidemiologic investigations have established that cardiovascular morbidity and mortality vary directly with the level of total-C, LDL-C, and TG, and inversely with the level of HDL-C. The independent effect of raising HDL-C or lowering triglycerides (TG) on the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has not been determined.

Fenofibric acid, the active metabolite of fenofibrate, produces reductions in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, total triglycerides and triglyceride rich lipoprotein (VLDL) in treated patients. In addition, treatment with fenofibrate results in increases in high density lipoprotein (HDL) and apolipoproteins apo AI and apo AII.



The absolute bioavailability of FIBRICOR has not been determined as the compound is virtually insoluble in aqueous media suitable for injection. Following oral administration of FIBRICOR in healthy volunteers, median peak plasma levels of fenofibric acid occur by approximately 2.5 hours after administration. Exposure after administration of 3 × 35 mg FIBRICOR tabletsiscomparableto1×105mgFIBRICOR tablets.

A food-effect study involving administration of FIBRICOR to healthy volunteers under fasting conditions and with a high-fat meal indicated that the Cmax was decreased by approximately 35% while the AUC remained unchanged. This decrease in exposure is not considered clinically significant, and therefore FIBRICOR can be taken without regards to meals.

The extent and rate of absorption of fenofibric acid after administration of 105 mg FIBRICOR tablets are equivalent to those after administration of 145 mg fenofibrate tablets (TriCor®) under fasted conditions.


Upon multiple dosing of fenofibrate, fenofibric acid steady state is achieved within 9 days. Plasma concentrations of fenofibric acid at steady state are slightly more than double those following a single dose. Serum protein binding was approximately 99% in normal and hyperlipidemic subjects.


Fenofibric acid is primarily conjugated with glucuronic acid and then excreted in urine. A small amount of fenofibric acid is reduced at the carbonyl moiety to a benzhydrol metabolite which is, in turn, conjugated with glucuronic acid and excreted in urine.

In vitro and in vivo metabolism data indicate that fenofibric acid does not undergo oxidative metabolism (e.g. cytochrome P450) to a significant extent. The enzymes CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and CYP3A4 do not play a role in the metabolism of fenofibric acid.


After absorption, fenofibric acid is eliminated with a half-life of approximately 20 hours, allowing once-daily dosing.

Specific Populations


In five elderly volunteers 77 to 87 years of age, the oral clearance of fenofibric acid following a single oral dose of fenofibrate was 1.2 L/h, which compares to 1.1 L/h in young adults. This indicates that an equivalent dose of FIBRICOR can be used in elderly subjects with normal renal function, without increasing accumulation of the drug or metabolites [seeUse In Specific PopulationsandDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION].


The pharmacokinetics of FIBRICOR has not been studied in pediatric populations.


No pharmacokinetic difference between males and females has been observed for fenofibrate.


The influence of race on the pharmacokinetics of fenofibric acid has not been studied, however, fenofibric acid is not metabolized by enzymes known for exhibiting inter-ethnic variability.

Renal Impairment

The pharmacokinetics of fenofibric acid was examined in patients with mild, moderate, and severe renal impairment. Patients with severe renal impairment (Estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR]<30 mL/min/1.73m²) showed a 2.7-fold increase in exposure for fenofibric acid and increased accumulation of fenofibric acid during chronic dosing compared to that of healthy subjects. Patients with mild-to-moderate (eGFR 30 – 59 mL/min/1.73m²) renal impairment had similar exposure but an increase in the half-life for fenofibric acid compared to that of healthy subjects. Based on these findings, the use of FIBRICOR should be avoided in patients who have severe renal impairment and dose reduction is required in patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment.

Hepatic Impairment

No pharmacokinetic studies of fenofibric acid have been conducted in patients with hepatic impairment.

Drug-Drug Interactions

In vitro studies using human liver microsomes indicate that fenofibrate and fenofibric acid are not inhibitors of cytochrome (CYP) P450 isoforms CYP3A4, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, or CYP1A2. They are weak inhibitors of CYP2C8, CYP2C19 and CYP2A6, and mild-to-moderate inhibitors of CYP2C9 at therapeutic concentrations.

Table 2 describes the effects of co-administered drugs on fenofibric acid systemic exposure. Table 3 describes the effects of co-administered fenofibric acid on exposure to other drugs.

Table 2: Effects of Co-Administered Drugs on Fenofibric Acid Systemic Exposure from FIBRICOR or Fenofibrate Administration

Co-Administered Drug Dosage Regimen of Co-Administered Drug Dosage Regimen of Fenofibrate Changes in Fenofibric Acid Exposure
AUC Cmax
No dosing adjustment required for FIBRICOR with the following co-administered drugs
Lipid-lowering agents
Atorvastatin 20 mg once daily for 10 days Fenofibrate 160 mg1once daily for 10 days ↓2% ↓4%
Pravastatin 40 mg as a single dose Fenofibrate 3 x 67 mg2as a single dose ↓1% ↓2%
Fluvastatin 40 mg as a single dose Fenofibrate 160 mg1as a single dose ↓2% ↓ 10%
Anti-diabetic agents
Glimepiride 1 mg as a single dose Fenofibrate 145 mg1once daily for 10 days ↑ 1% ↓ 1%
Metformin 850 mg three times daily for 10 days Fenofibrate 54 mg1three times daily for 10 days ↓ 9% ↓ 6%
Rosiglitazone 8 mg once daily for 5 days Fenofibrate 145 mg1once daily for 14 days ↑10% ↑1 3%
1TriCor® (fenofibrate) oral tablet
2TriCor® (fenofibrate) oral micronized capsule

Table 3: Effects of FIBRICOR or Fenofibrate Co-Administration on Systemic Exposure of Other Drugs

Dosage Regimen of Fenofibrate Dosage Regimen of Co-Administered Drug Change in Co-Administered Drug Exposure
Analyte AUC Cmax
No dosing adjustment required for these co-administered drugs with FIBRICOR
Lipid-lowering agents
Fenofibrate 160 mg1once daily for 10 days Atorvastatin, 20 mg once daily for 10 days Atorvastatin ↓ 17% 0%
Fenofibrate 3 x 67 mg2as a single dose Pravastatin, 40 mg as a single dose Pravastatin ↑ 13% ↑13%
3a-hydroxyl-iso- pravastatin ↑ 26% ↑ 29%
Fenofibrate 160 mg1once daily for 10 days Pravastatin, 40 mg once daily for 10 days Pravastatin ↑ 28% ↑36%
3a-Hydroxyl- iso-pravastatin ↑ 39% ↑ 55%
Fenofibrate 160 mg1as a single dose Fluvastatin, 40 mg as a single dose (+)-3R, 5S-Fluvastatin ↑15% ↑ 16%
Anti-diabetic agents
Fenofibrate 145 mg1once daily for 10 days Glimepiride, 1 mg as a single dose Glimepiride ↑ 35% ↑ 18%
Fenofibrate 54 mg1three times daily for 10 days Metformin, 850 mg three times daily for 10 days Metformin ↑3% ↑ 6%
Fenofibrate 145 mg1once daily for 14 days Rosiglitazone, 8 mg once daily for 5 days Rosiglitazone ↑ 6% ↓ 1%
Anti-viral agents
FIBRICOR 105 mg once daily for 10 days Efavirenz, 600 mg as a single dose Efavirenz ↓8% ↑ 1%
1TriCor® (fenofibrate) oral tablet
2TriCor® (fenofibrate) oral micronized capsule

Clinical Studies

Severe Hypertriglyceridemia

The effects of fenofibrate on serum triglycerides were studied in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of 147 hypertriglyceridemic patients. Patients were treated for eight weeks under protocols that differed only in that one protocol entered patients with baseline triglyceride (TG) levels of 500 to 1500 mg/dL, and the other TG levels of 350 to 500 mg/dL.

In patients with hypertriglyceridemia and normal cholesterolemia with or without hyperchylomicronemia, treatment with fenofibrate at dosages equivalent to 105 mg of FIBRICOR decreased primarily very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol. Treatment of some with elevated triglycerides often results in an increase of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (see Table 4).

Table 4: Effects of Fenofibrate in Patients with Severe Hypertriglyceridemia

Study 1 安慰剂 Fenofibrate
Baseline TG levels 350 to 499 mg/dL N Baseline (Mean) Endpoint (Mean) % Change (Mean) N Baseline (Mean) Endpoint (Mean) % Change (Mean)
Triglycerides 28 449 450 -0.5 27 432 223 -46.2*
VLDL Triglycerides 19 367 350 2.7 19 350 178 -44.1*
Total Cholesterol 28 255 261 2.8 27 252 227 -9.1*
HDL Cholesterol 28 35 36 4 27 34 40 19.6*
LDL Cholesterol 28 120 129 12 27 128 137 14.5
VLDL Cholesterol 27 99 99 5.8 27 92 46 -44.7*
Study 2 安慰剂 Fenofibrate
Baseline TG levels 500 to 1500 mg/dL N Baseline (Mean) Endpoint (Mean) % Change (Mean) N Baseline (Mean) Endpoint (Mean) % Change (Mean)
Triglycerides 44 710 750 7.2 48 726 308 -54.5*
VLDL Triglycerides 29 537 571 18.7 33 543 205 -50.6*
Total Cholesterol 44 272 271 0.4 48 261 223 -13.8*
HDL Cholesterol 44 27 28 5.0 48 30 36 22.9
LDL Cholesterol 42 100 90 -4.2 45 103 131 45.0*
VLDL Cholesterol 42 137 142 11.0 45 126 54 -49.4*
*= p < 0.05 vs. Placebo

Primary Hypercholesterolemia (Heterozygous Familial And Nonfamilial) And Mixed Dyslipidemia

The effects of fenofibrate at doses equivalentto105mgofFIBRICORwereassessed from four randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group studies including patients with the following mean baseline lipid values: Total-C Â 306.9 mg/dL;LDL-C 213.8 mg/dL;HDL-C 52.3 mg/dL; andtriglycerides191.0 mg/dL. Fenofibrate therapy lowered LDL-C, Total-C, and the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio. Fenofibrate therapy also lowered triglycerides and raised HDL-C (see Table 5).

Table 5: Mean Percent Change in Lipid Parameters at End of Fenofibrate Treatment1

Treatment Group Total-C LDL-C HDL-C TG
Pooled Cohort
Mean baseline lipid values (n=646) 306.9 mg/dL 213.8 mg/dL 52.3 mg/dL 191.0 mg/dL
All FEN (n=361) -18.7%2 -20.6%2 +11.0%2 -28.9%2
安慰剂(n=285) -0.4% -2.2% +0.7% +7.7%
Baseline LDL-C >160 mg/dL and TG <150 mg/dL (Type IIa)
Mean baseline lipid values (n=334) 307.7 mg/dL 227.7 mg/dL 58.1 mg/dL 101.7 mg/dL
All FEN (n=193) -22.4%2 -31.4%2 +9.8%2 -23.5%2
安慰剂(n=141) +0.2% -2.2% +2.6% +11.7%
Baseline LDL-C >160 mg/dL and TG ≥150 mg/dL (Type IIb)
意味着基线脂值(n = 242) 312.8 mg/dL 219.8 mg/dL 46.7 mg/dL 231.9 mg/dL
All FEN (n=126) -16.8%2 -20.1%2 +14.6%2 -35.9%2
安慰剂(n=116) -3.0% -6.6% +2.3% +0.9%
1Duration of study treatment was 3 to 6 months.
2p = < 0.05 vs. Placebo

In a subset of the subjects, measurement of Apo B was conducted. Fenofibrate treatment significantly reduced Apo B from baseline to endpoint as compared with placebo (-25.1% vs. 2.4%, p < 0.0001, n=213 and 143 respectively).

The effect of FIBRICOR oncardiovascularmorbidity and mortality has not been determined.

Medication Guide


Patients should be advised:

  • of the potential benefits and risks of FIBRICOR.
  • not to use FIBRICOR if there is a known hypersensitivity to fenofibrate or fenofibric acid.
  • that if they are taking coumarin anticoagulants, FIBRICOR may increase theiranticoagulanteffect, and increased monitoring may be necessary.
  • of medications that should not be taken in combination with FIBRICOR.
  • to continue to follow an appropriate lipid-modifying diet while taking FIBRICOR.
  • to take FIBRICOR once daily, without regard to food, at the prescribed dose, swallowing each tablet whole.
  • to inform their physician of all medications, supplements, and herbal preparations they are taking and any change to their medical condition. Patients should also be advised to inform their physicians prescribing a new medication that they are takingFIBRICOR.
  • to inform their physician of symptoms of liver injury (e.g.,jaundice,异常疼痛,恶心,malaise, dark urine, abnormalstool,pruritus); any muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness; onset of abdominal pain; or any other new symptoms.
  • to return to their physician's office for routine monitoring.
  • not to breastfeed during treatment with FIBRICOR and for 5 days after the final dose.

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