Definition of Eosinophilia

Eosinophilia:An abnormally high number of eosinophilsintheblood. Normally, eosinophils constitute 1 to 3% of theperipheralbloodleukocytes, at a count of 350 to 650 per cubic millimeter.Eosinophiliacan be categorized as mild (less than 1500 eosinophils per cubic millimeter), moderate (1500 to 5000 per cubic millimeter), or severe (more than 5000 per cubic millimeter).

In areas of the world whereparasiticdiseases are common, they are the usual cause of eosinophilia. In developed nations, eosinophilia is most often due to allergy or, less often, a drug reaction. There are numerous other causes of eosinophilia, but individually they are quite uncommon.

Eosinophilia may beprimaryor secondary. In primary eosinophilia, the increased production of eosinophils is due to an abnormality in a造血stem cellas, for example, in eosinophilic leukemia. In secondary eosinophilia, the increased production of eosinophils is a reactiveprocessdriven by cytokines, as is the case inallergy.

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