Elavil vs. Seroquel

Are Elavil and Seroquel the Same Thing?

Elavil(amitryptiline) andSeroquel(quetiapine) are used to treat depression.

Elavil may also be used to treat other conditions including and mood disorders, nerve pain, eating disorders, anxiety, and panic disorders.

Seroquel is used to treatschizophrenia在成人和儿童在勒ast 13 years old. Seroquel is also used to treatbipolar disorder.

The brand name Elavil is no longer available in the U.S. It is available as ageneric.

Elavil and Seroquel belong to different drug classes. Elavil is a tricyclicantidepressantand Seroquel is apsychotropic medication.

Side effects of Elavil and Seroquel that are similar include drowsiness,dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, weight gain, headache, and increased appetite/hunger.

Side effects of Elavil that are different from Seroquel include blurred vision, trouble urinating, and changes in taste.

Side effects of Seroquel that are different from Elavil include mood or behavior changes, stomach pain, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting,lightheadedness, tiredness, trouble sleeping,sore throat, breast swelling ordischarge, and missed menstrual periods.

Both Elavil and Seroquel may interact with alcohol, other products that cause drowsiness (antihistamines, drugs for sleep or anxiety, muscle relaxants, and narcotics),antidepressants, antibiotics, heart rhythm medicines, blood pressure medicines, ortuberculosismedicine.

Elavil may also interact with MAO inhibitors, arbutamine, disulfiram,thyroidsupplements, other drugs that can cause bleeding/bruising (including antiplatelet drugs,aspirinor otherNSAIDs, "blood thinners"), anticholinergics,cimetidine,terbinafine,amiodarone, cisapride, dofetilide, pimozide, procainamide, quinidine,sotalol, phenothiazines, ortheophylline.

Seroquel may also interact withantipsychoticmedicines, cancer medicines,malariamedication,antiviralmedicines to treatHIV/AIDSorhepatitis, antifungals, heart medicines, medicines to treat mental illness, St. John's wort, orseizuremedicines.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Elavil?

Common side effects of Elavil include:

  • drowsiness,
  • dry mouth,
  • dizziness,
  • blurred vision,
  • constipation,
  • weight gain,
  • trouble urinating,
  • headache,
  • increased hunger, and
  • changes in taste.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Seroquel?

Common side effects of Seroquel include:

  • fever,
  • hot flashes,
  • sensitivity to heat,
  • sweating,
  • headache,
  • nervousness,
  • 易怒,
  • nausea,
  • sleep problems (insomnia),
  • changes in appetite or changes in weight,
  • changes in menstrual perdiods,
  • and temporary hair loss.

What Is Elavil?

Elavil (amitryptiline) is a tricyclic antidepressant used to treat depression and mood disorders. Elavil may also be used to treat other conditions including nerve pain, eating disorder, anxiety, andpanic disorder. The brand name Elavil is no longer available in the U.S.

What Is Seroquel?

Seroquel (quetiapine) is a psychotropic medication used to treat schizophrenia in adults and children who are at least 13 years old. Seroquel is also used in the treatment ofmajor depressionand bipolar disorder.

What Drugs Interact With Elavil?

Elavil may also interact with MAO inhibitors, arbutamine, disulfiram, thyroid supplements, other drugs that can cause bleeding/bruising (antiplatelet drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], blood thinners),anticholinergicdrugs, and certain drugs forhigh blood pressure.

What Drugs Interact With Seroquel?

Seroquel may interact with many different drugs. Tell your doctor all medications and supplements you use.

How Should Elavil Be Taken?

Elavil is taken by mouth in tablet form. The medication may take up to four weeks to take full effect.

How Should Seroquel Be Taken?

Dosing preparations are 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg tablets.


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FDA. Elavil Product Information.


AstraZeneca. Seroquel XR Drug Information.


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