Diflucan vs. Sporanox (Itraconazole)

Are Diflucan and Itraconazole the Same Thing?

Diflucan(fluconazole) and itraconazole areantifungalmedications used to treat Candida fungal infections.

Diflucan is also used to treat fungalmeningitisand may be prescribed to ward off fungal infections in patients being treated withchemotherapyorradiationbefore abone marrowtransplant.

Itraconazole is available in several different forms. Oral itraconazole is used to treat fungal infections in thelungs, fingernails, and toenails. Itraconazole oral solution is used to treat oralthrush.

Brand names for itraconazole includeSporanox, Sporanox Pulsepak, andOnmel.

Side effects of Diflucan and itraconazole that are similar include headache, dizziness, upset stomach, abdominal pain, diarrhea, unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth, and itching or skin rash.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Diflucan?

Common side effects of Diflucan include:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • drowsiness,
  • stomach or abdominal pain,
  • upset stomach,
  • diarrhea,
  • heartburn,
  • loss of appetite, and
  • allergic reactions including skin inflammation, itching, rash, and unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Itraconazole ?

Common side effects of Itraconazole include:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • constipation,
  • bloating,
  • gas,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • stomach upset,
  • unpleasant taste in your mouth,
  • itching,
  • skin rash,
  • joint pain,
  • muscle pain or weakness, or
  • runny noseor other cold symptoms.

What is Diflucan?

Diflucan (fluconazole) is anantifungal medicationprescribed to treat Candida fungal infections of the mouth,vagina,esophagus, lungs,urinary tract, abdomen, and other organs. Diflucan is also used to treat fungal meningitis and may be prescribed to ward off fungal infections in patients being treated with chemotherapy or radiation before a bone marrow transplant.

What is Itraconazole?

Itraconazole is anantifungal agentused to treat infections caused byfungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails, or fingernails.

What Drugs Interact With Diflucan?

Diflucan may interact with blood thinners orseizuremedications.

Diflucan may also interact withalfentanil, fentanyl,clopidogrel,cyclophosphamide,cyclosporine,methadone, pimozide,prednisone, saquinavir, zidovudine, sirolimus, tacrolimus,theophylline, voriconazole,antidepressants,癌症药物,cholesterollowering medicines, heart or blood pressure medications, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), oraldiabetesmedications, rifabutin,rifampin, or sedatives.

What Drugs Interact With Itraconazole?

Itraconazole may interact with blood thinners, cancer medicines, cholesterol medications, cyclosporine, oral diabetes medications, fentanyl, rifabutin, rifampin, sirolimus, tacrolimus, antidepressants, heart or blood pressure medications, sedatives, orseizure medications.

Itraconazole may also interact withdigoxin, digitalis, disopyramide,isoniazid, rifapentine, antibiotics, antifungal medications,barbiturates, orHIV/AIDSmedicines.

How Should Diflucan Be Taken?

Diflucan is available in several strengths and comes as a tablet (50, 100, 150 and 200 mg strength), liquid (350 or 1400 mg strength), or injection (2 mg per ml). Diflucan is taken once a day and may be taken for several weeks depending on the condition being treated.

How Should Itraconazole Be Taken?

Dosage of Sporanox depends upon the condition for which it is being used to treat.

Always take Itraconazole during or right after a full meal.

Your doctor will decide the right dose for you. Depending on your infection, you will take Itraconazolei® once a day for 12 weeks, or twice a day for 1 week in a “pulse” dosing schedule. You will receive either a bottle of capsules or a PulsePak®. Do not skip any doses. Be sure to finish all your Itraconazolei® as prescribed by your doctor.

If you have ever had liver problems, your doctor should do a blood test to check your condition. If you haven't had liver problems, your doctor may recommend blood tests to check the condition of your liver because patients taking Itraconazolei® can develop liver problems.

Itraconazolei® can sometimes cause dizziness or blurred/double vision. If you have these symptoms, do not drive or use machines.

If you forget to take or miss doses of Itraconazolei®, ask your doctor what you should do with the missed doses.


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Medical Editor:John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP




RxList。Sporanox Medication Guide.


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