
Medical Editor: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP Last updated on RxList:3/25/2022

Drug Summary

What Is Premarin?

Premarin(conjugatedestrogens) is a female hormone used to treat symptoms ofmenopausesuch ashot flashes, and vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation. Premarin is also used to preventosteoporosisinpostmenopausalwomen, and replaceestrogenin women with ovarian failure or other conditions that cause a lack of natural estrogen in the body. Conjugated estrogens such as Premarin are sometimes used as part of cancer treatment in women and men.

What Are Side Effects of Premarin?

Common side effects of Premarin include:

  • 胃部不适或cramps,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • bloating,
  • breast tenderness or swelling,
  • headache,
  • weight or appetite changes,
  • freckles or darkening of facial skin,
  • increased hair growth,
  • loss of scalp hair,
  • problems with contact lenses,
  • vaginal itching ordischarge,
  • changes in your menstrual periods,
  • decreased sex drive,
  • nervousness,
  • dizziness, or
  • tired feeling.

Tell your doctor if you have serious side effects of Premarin including:

  • mental/mood changes (such as depression, memory loss),
  • breast lumps,
  • unusual vaginal bleeding (such as spotting, breakthrough bleeding, prolonged orrecurrentbleeding),
  • increased or new vaginal irritation/itching/odor/discharge,
  • severe stomach or abdominal pain,
  • persistent nausea or vomiting,
  • yellowing eyes or skin,
  • dark urine,
  • swelling hands/ankles/feet, or
  • increased thirst or
  • urination.

Dosage for Premarin

Women should be started at 0.3 mg Premarin daily. Dosage adjustment may be made based on patient response. Dose may vary depending on the condition being treated.

What Drugs, Substances, or Supplements Interact with Premarin?

Premarin may interact with blood thinners,thyroidmedications,insulinor oraldiabetesmedicine, rifampin, ketoconazole or itraconazole,seizuremedicines, barbiturates, orantidepressants. Tell your doctor all medications you use.

Premarin During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Premarin must not be used during pregnancy. This medication passes into breast milk. It may reduce the quality and amount of breast milk produced. Consult your doctor before breastfeeding.

Additional Information

Our Premarin (conjugated estrogens) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

Drug Description



Estrogen-Alone Therapy

Endometrial Cancer

There is an increased risk of endometrial cancer in a woman with a uterus who uses unopposed estrogens. Adding a progestin to estrogen therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia, which may be a precursor to endometrial cancer. Adequate diagnostic measures, including directed or random endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy in postmenopausal women with undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormal genital bleeding [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS]。

Cardiovascular Disorders and Probable Dementia

Estrogen-alone therapy should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) estrogen-alone substudy reported increased risks of stroke and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 7.1 years of treatment with daily oral conjugated estrogens (CE) [0.625 mg]-alone, relative to placebo[see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

WHI记忆研究单用雌激素治疗ancill(幻想)ary study of WHI reported an increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 5.2 years of treatment with daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone, relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS,Use in Specific Populations, andClinical Studies]。

In the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar for other doses of CE and other dosage forms of estrogens.

Estrogens with or without progestins should be prescribed at the lowest effective doses and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goals and risks for the individual woman.

Estrogen Plus Progestin Therapy

Cardiovascular Disorders and Probable Dementia

Estrogen plus progestin therapy should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy reported increased risks of DVT, pulmonary embolism (PE), stroke and myocardial infarction (MI) in postmenopausal women (50 to 79 years of age) during 5.6 years of treatment with daily oral CE (0.625 mg) combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) [2.5 mg], relative to placebo [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

The WHIMS estrogen plus progestin ancillary study of the WHI, reported an increased risk of developing probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older during 4 years of treatment with daily CE (0.625 mg) combined with MPA (2.5 mg), relative to placebo. It is unknown whether this finding applies to younger postmenopausal women [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS,Use in Specific Populations, andClinical Studies]。

Breast Cancer

The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy also demonstrated an increased risk of invasive breast cancer [see WARNINGS ANDPRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

In the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar for other doses of CE and MPA, and other combinations and dosage forms of estrogens and progestins.

Estrogens with or without progestins should be prescribed at the lowest effective doses and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goals and risks for the individual woman.


PREMARIN® (conjugatedestrogenstablets, USP) for oral administration contains a mixture of conjugated estrogens purified from pregnant mares' urine and consists of the sodium salts of water-solubleestrogensulfates blended to represent the average composition of material derived from pregnant mares' urine. It is a mixture of sodium estrone sulfate and sodium equilin sulfate. It contains concomitant components as sodium sulfate conjugates, 17αdihydroequilin, 17α estradiol, and 17β-dihydroequilin. Tablets for oral administration are available in 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, 0.625 mg, 0.9 mg, and 1.25 mg strengths of conjugated estrogens.

PREMARIN 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, 0.625 mg, 0.9 mg, and 1.25 mg tablets also contain the following inactive ingredients: calcium phosphate tribasic, carnauba wax, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, powdered cellulose, sucrose, and titanium dioxide. Each tablet strength contains the following colors:

Tablet strength Tablet color contains
0.3 mg D&C Yellow No. 10 and FD&C Blue No. 2
0.45 mg FD&C Blue No. 2
0.625 mg FD&C Blue No. 2 and FD&C Red No. 40
0.9 mg D&C Red No. 30 and D&C Red No. 7
1.25 mg Black iron oxide, D&C Yellow No. 10 and FD&C Yellow No. 6
PREMARIN tablets comply with USP Dissolution Test criteria, as outlined below:
PREMARIN 1.25 mg tablets USP Dissolution Test 4
PREMARIN 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg and 0.625 mg USP Dissolution Test 5
PREMARIN 0.9 mg tablets USP Dissolution Test 6

Side Effects


The following serious adverse reactions are discussed elsewhere in labeling:

Clinical Study Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in clinical practice.

During the first year of a 2-year clinical trial with 2,333postmenopausalwomen with auterusbetween 40 and 65 years of age (88 percent Caucasian), 1,012 women were treated with conjugated estrogens, and 332 were treated with placebo.

Table 1 summarizes treatment-related adverse reactions that occurred at a rate of ≥ 1 percent in any treatment group.


PREMARIN0.625 mg (n=348) PREMARIN0.45 mg (n=338) PREMARIN0.3 mg (n=326) Placebo (n=332)
Body as a whole
Abdominal pain 38 (11) 28 (8) 30 (9) 21 (6)
Asthenia 16 (5) 8 (2) 14 (4) 3 (1)
Back pain 18 (5) 11 (3) 13 (4) 4 (1)
Chest pain 2 (1) 3 (1) 4 (1) 2 (1)
Generalized edema 7 (2) 6 (2) 4 (1) 8 (2)
Headache 45 (13) 47 (14) 44 (13) 46 (14)
Moniliasis 5 (1) 4 (1) 4 (1) 1 (0)
Pain 17 (5) 10 (3) 12 (4) 14 (4)
Pelvic pain 10 (3) 9 (3) 8 (2) 4 (1)
Cardiovascular system
Hypertension 4 (1) 4 (1) 7 (2) 5 (2)
Migraine 7 (2) 1 (0) 0 3 (1)
Palpitation 3 (1) 3 (1) 3 (1) 4 (1)
Vasodilatation 2 (1) 2 (1) 3 (1) 5 (2)
Digestive system
Constipation 7 (2) 6 (2) 4 (1) 3 (1)
Diarrhea 4 (1) 5 (1) 5 (2) 8 (2)
Dyspepsia 7 (2) 5 (1) 6 (2) 14 (4)
Eructation 1 (0) 1 (0) 4 (1) 1 (0)
Flatulence 22 (6) 18 (5) 13 (4) 8 (2)
Increased appetite 4 (1) 1 (0) 1 (0) 2 (1)
Nausea 16 (5) 10 (3) 15 (5) 16 (5)
Metabolic and nutritional
Hyperlipidemia 2 (1) 4 (1) 3 (1) 2 (1)
Peripheral edema 5 (1) 2 (1) 4 (1) 3 (1)
Weight gain 11 (3) 10 (3) 8 (2) 14 (4)
Musculoskeletal system
Arthralgia 6 (2) 3 (1) 2 (1) 5 (2)
Leg cramps 10 (3) 5 (1) 9 (3) 4 (1)
Myalgia 2 (1) 1 (0) 4 (1) 1 (0)
Nervous system
Anxiety 6 (2) 4 (1) 2 (1) 4 (1)
Depression 17 (5) 15 (4) 10 (3) 17 (5)
Dizziness 9 (3) 7 (2) 4 (1) 5 (2)
Emotionallability 3 (1) 4 (1) 5 (2) 8 (2)
Hypertonia 1 (0) 1 (0) 5 (2) 3 (1)
Insomnia 16 (5) 10 (3) 13 (4) 14 (4)
Nervousness 9 (3) 12 (4) 2 (1) 6 (2)
Skin and appendages
Acne 3 (1) 1 (0) 8 (2) 3 (1)
Alopecia 6 (2) 6 (2) 5 (2) 2 (1)
Hirsutism 4 (1) 2 (1) 1 (0) 0
Pruritus 11 (3) 11 (3) 10 (3) 3 (1)
Rash 6 (2) 3 (1) 1 (0) 2 (1)
Skin discoloration 4 (1) 2 (1) 0 1 (0)
Sweating 4 (1) 1 (0) 3 (1) 4 (1)
Urogenital system
Breast disorder 6 (2) 3 (1) 3 (1) 6 (2)
Breast enlargement 3 (1) 4 (1) 7 (2) 3 (1)
Breastneoplasm 4 (1) 4 (1) 7 (2) 7 (2)
Breast pain 37 (11) 39 (12) 24 (7) 26 (8)
Cervixdisorder 8 (2) 4 (1) 5 (2) 0
Dysmenorrhea 12 (3) 10 (3) 4 (1) 2 (1)
Endometrial disorder 4 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1) 0
Endometrial hyperplasia 16 (5) 8 (2) 1 (0) 0
Leukorrhea 17 (5) 17 (5) 12 (4) 6 (2)
Metrorrhagia 11 (3) 4 (1) 3 (1) 1 (0)
Urinary tract infection 1 (0) 2 (1) 1 (0) 4 (1)
Uterine fibroidsenlarged 6 (2) 1 (0) 2 (1) 2 (1)
Uterine spasm 11 (3) 5 (1) 3 (1) 2 (1)
Vaginal dryness 1 (0) 2 (1) 1 (0) 6 (2)
Vaginalhemorrhage 46 (13) 13 (4) 6 (2) 0
Vaginal moniliasis 14 (4) 10 (3) 12 (4) 5 (2)
Vaginitis 18 (5) 7 (2) 9 (3) 1 (0)

Postmarketing Experience

The following additional adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of PREMARIN. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible always to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

Genitourinary system

Abnormaluterine bleeding; dysmenorrheal orpelvicpain, increase in size of uterine leiomyomata, vaginitis, including vaginalcandidiasis, change incervicalsecretion, ovarian cancer, endometrialhyperplasia, endometrial cancer, leukorrhea.


Tenderness, enlargement, pain,discharge,galactorrhea, fibrocystic breast changes,breast cancer,gynecomastiain males.


Deep andsuperficialvenousthrombosis,pulmonary embolism,thrombophlebitis,myocardial infarction,stroke, increase in blood pressure.


Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, cholestaticjaundice, increased incidence ofgallbladderdisease,pancreatitis, enlargement of hepatic hemangiomas, ischemiccolitis.


Chloasma ormelasmathat may persist when drug is discontinued,erythema multiforme,erythemanodosum, loss of scalp hair, hirsutism, pruritus, rash.


Retinalvascularthrombosis, intolerance to contact lenses.

Central nervous system

Headache, migraine, dizziness , mental depression, nervousness, mood disturbances, irritability, exacerbation ofepilepsy,dementia, possible growth potentiation ofbenignmeningioma.


Increase or decrease in weight, glucose intolerance, aggravation ofporphyria, edema, arthralgias, leg cramps, changes inlibido,urticaria, exacerbation ofasthma, increasedtriglycerides, hypersensitivity.

Drug Interactions


Data from a single-dose drug-drug interaction study involving conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate indicate that the pharmacokinetic disposition of both drugs is not altered when the drugs are coadministered. No other clinical drug-drug interaction studies have been conducted with conjugated estrogens.

Metabolic Interactions

In vitroandin vivostudies have shown that estrogens are metabolized partially by cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4). Therefore, inducers or inhibitors of CYP3A4 may affect estrogen drugmetabolism. Inducers of CYP3A4, such asSt. John's Wort(Hypericum perforatum) preparations, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and rifampin, may reduce plasma concentrations of estrogens, possibly resulting in a decrease in therapeutic effects and/or changes in the uterine bleeding profile. Inhibitors of CYP3A4, such aserythromycin, clarithromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir andgrapefruitjuice, may increase plasma concentrations of estrogens and may result in side effects.

Warnings & Precautions


Included as part of thePRECAUTIONSsection.


Cardiovascular Disorders

An increased risk of stroke and DVT has been reported with estrogen-alone therapy. An increased risk of PE, DVT, stroke and MI has been reported with estrogen plusprogestintherapy. Should any of these events occur or be suspected, estrogen with or without progestin therapy should be discontinued immediately.

Risk factors for arterial vascular disease (for example, hypertension,糖尿病, tobacco use,hypercholesterolemia, andobesity) and/or venousthromboembolism(VTE) (for example, personal or family history of VTE, obesity, andsystemic lupus erythematosus) should be managed appropriately.


In the WHI estrogen-alone substudy, a statistically significant increased risk of stroke was reported in women 50 to 79 years of age receiving daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone compared to women in the same age group receiving placebo (45 versus 33 per 10,000 women-years). The increase in risk was demonstrated in year 1 and persisted [seeClinical Studies]。Should a stroke occur or be suspected, estrogen-alone therapy should be discontinued immediately.

Subgroup analyses of women 50 to 59 years of age suggest no increased risk of stroke for those women receiving CE (0.625 mg)-alone versus those receiving placebo (18 versus 21 per 10,000 women-years).1

In the WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy, a statistically significant increased risk of stroke was reported in women 50 to 79 years of age receiving daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) compared to women in the same age group receiving placebo (33 versus 25 per 10,000 women-years) [seeClinical Studies]。The increase in risk was demonstrated after the first year and persisted.1Should a stroke occur or be suspected, estrogen plus progestin therapy should be discontinued immediately.

Coronary Heart Disease

In the WHI estrogen-alone substudy, no overall effect on coronaryheart disease(CHD)事件(MI定义为非致死性心肌梗死,沉默,或CHD death) was reported in women receiving estrogen-alone compared to placebo2[seeClinical Studies]。

Subgroup analyses of women 50 to 59 years of age suggest a statistically non-significant reduction in CHD events (CE [0.625 mg]-alone compared to placebo) in women with less than 10 years sincemenopause(8 versus 16 per 10,000 women-years).1

In the WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy, there was a statistically non-significant increased risk of CHD events reported in women receiving daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) compared to women receiving placebo (41 versus 34 per 10,000 women-years).1An increase in relative risk was demonstrated in year 1, and a trend toward decreasing relative risk was reported in years 2 through 5 [seeClinical Studies]。

In postmenopausal women with documented heart disease (n = 2,763, average 66.7 years of age), in a controlled clinical trial of secondary prevention ofcardiovascular disease(Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study; HERS), treatment with daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) demonstrated nocardiovascularbenefit. During an average follow-up of 4.1 years, treatment with CE plus MPA did not reduce the overall rate of CHD events in postmenopausal women with established CHD. There were more CHD events in the CE plus MPA-treated group than in the placebo group in year 1, but not during the subsequent years. Two thousand, three hundred and twenty-one (2,321) women from the original HERS trial agreed to participate in an open labelextensionof HERS, HERS II. Average follow-up in HERS II was an additional 2.7 years, for a total of 6.8 years overall. Rates of CHD events were comparable among women in the CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) group and the placebo group in HERS, HERS II, and overall.

Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

In the WHI estrogen-alone substudy, the risk of VTE (DVT and PE), was increased for women receiving daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone compared to placebo (30 versus 22 per 10,000 women-years), although only the increased risk of DVT reached statistical significance (23 versus 15 per 10,000 women-years). The increase in VTE risk was demonstrated during the first 2 years3[seeClinical Studies]。静脉血栓栓塞发生或应怀疑,estrogen-al吗one therapy should be discontinued immediately.

In the WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy, a statistically significant 2-fold greater rate of VTE was reported in women receiving daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) compared to women receiving placebo (35 versus 17 per 10,000 women-years). Statistically significant increases in risk for both DVT (26 versus 13 per 10,000 women-years) and PE (18 versus 8 per 10,000 women-years) were also demonstrated. The increase in VTE risk was demonstrated during the first year and persisted4[seeClinical Studies]。Should a VTE occur or be suspected, estrogen plus progestin therapy should be discontinued immediately.

If feasible, estrogens should be discontinued at least 4 to 6 weeks before surgery of the type associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism, or during periods of prolonged immobilization.

Malignant Neoplasms

Endometrial Cancer

An increased risk of endometrial cancer has been reported with the use of unopposed estrogen therapy in a woman with a uterus. The reported endometrial cancer risk among unopposed estrogen users is about 2 to 12 times greater than in non-users, and appears dependent on duration of treatment and on estrogen dose. Most studies show no significant increased risk associated with use of estrogens for less than 1 year. The greatest risk appears associated with prolonged use, with increased risks of 15-to 24-fold for 5 to 10 years or more, and this risk has been shown to persist for at least 8 to 15 years after estrogen therapy is discontinued.

Clinical surveillance of all women using estrogen-alone or estrogen plus progestin therapy is important. Adequate diagnostic measures, including directed or random endometrial sampling when indicated, should be undertaken to rule outmalignancyin postmenopausal women with undiagnosed persistent or recurring abnormalgenitalbleeding. There is no evidence that the use of natural estrogens results in a different endometrial risk profile than synthetic estrogens of equivalent estrogen dose. Adding a progestin to postmenopausal estrogen therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia, which may be aprecursorto endometrial cancer.

Breast Cancer

The most important randomized clinical trial providing information about breast cancer in estrogen-alone users is the WHI substudy of daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone. In the WHI estrogen-alone substudy, after an average follow-up of 7.1 years, daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone was not associated with an increased risk of invasive breast cancer [relative risk (RR) 0.80]5[seeClinical Studies]。

The most important randomized clinical trial providing information about breast cancer in estrogen plus progestin users is the WHI substudy of daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg). After a mean follow-up of 5.6 years, the estrogen plus progestin substudy reported an increased risk of invasive breast cancer in women who took daily CE plus MPA. In this substudy, prior use of estrogen-alone or estrogen plus progestin therapy was reported by 26 percent of the women. The relative risk of invasive breast cancer was 1.24, and the absolute risk was 41 versus 33 cases per 10,000 women-years, for CE plus MPA compared with placebo.6Among women who reported prior use of hormone therapy, the relative risk of invasive breast cancer was 1.86, and the absolute risk was 46 versus 25 cases per 10,000 women-years for CE plus MPA compared with placebo. Among women who reported no prior use of hormone therapy, the relative risk of invasive breast cancer was 1.09, and the absolute risk was 40 versus 36 cases per 10,000 women-years for CE plus MPA compared with placebo. In the same substudy, invasive breast cancers were larger, were more likely to be node positive, and were diagnosed at a more advanced stage in the CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) group compared with the placebo group. Metastatic disease was rare, with no apparent difference between the two groups. Other prognostic factors, such as histologic subtype, grade and hormone receptor status did not differ between the groups [seeClinical Studies]。

Consistent with the WHI clinical trial, observational studies have also reported an increased risk of breast cancer for estrogen plus progestin therapy, and a smaller increased risk for estrogen-alone therapy, after several years of use. The risk increased with duration of use, and appeared to return to baseline over about 5 years after stopping treatment (only the observational studies have substantial data on risk after stopping). Observational studies also suggest that the risk of breast cancer was greater, and became apparent earlier, with estrogen plus progestin therapy as compared to estrogen-alone therapy. However, these studies have not found significant variation in the risk of breast cancer among different estrogen plus progestin combinations, doses, or routes of administration.

The use of estrogen-alone and estrogen plus progestin has been reported to result in an increase in abnormal mammograms, requiring further evaluation.

All women should receive yearly breast examinations by a healthcare provider and perform monthly breast self-examinations. In addition, mammography examinations should be scheduled based on patient age, risk factors, and priormammogramresults.

Ovarian Cancer

The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy reported a statistically non-significant increased risk of ovarian cancer. After an average follow-up of 5.6 years, the relative risk for ovarian cancer for CE plus MPA versus placebo was 1.58 (95 percent CI 0.77-3.24). The absolute risk for CE plus MPA versus placebo was 4 versus 3 cases per 10,000 women-years.7In some epidemiologic studies, the use of estrogen plus progestin and estrogen-only products, in particular for 5 or more years, has been associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. However, the duration of exposure associated with increased risk is not consistent across all epidemiologic studies, and some report no association.

Probable Dementia

In the WHIMS estrogen-alone ancillary study of WHI, a population of 2,947 hysterectomized women 65 to 79 years of age was randomized to daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone or placebo.

After an average follow-up of 5.2 years, 28 women in the estrogen-alone group and 19 women in the placebo group were diagnosed with probable dementia. The relative risk of probable dementia for CE-alone versus placebo was 1.49 (95 percent CI 0.83-2.66). The absolute risk of probable dementia for CE-alone versus placebo was 37 versus 25 cases per 10,000 women-years8[seeUse in Specific Populations, andClinical Studies]。

突发奇想的雌激素加黄体酮辅助斯图dy of WHI, a population of 4,532 postmenopausal women 65 to 79 years of age was randomized to daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) or placebo. After an average follow-up of 4 years, 40 women in the CE plus MPA group and 21 women in the placebo group were diagnosed with probable dementia. The relative risk of probable dementia for CE plus MPA versus placebo was 2.05 (95 percent CI 1.21-3.48). The absolute risk of probable dementia for CE plus MPA versus placebo was 45 versus 22 cases per 10,000 women-years8[seeUse in Specific Populations, andClinical Studies]。

When data from the two populations in the WHIMS estrogen-alone and estrogen plus progestin ancillary studies were pooled as planned in the WHIMS protocol, the reported overall relative risk for probable dementia was 1.76 (95 percent CI 1.19-2.60). Since both ancillary studies were conducted in women 65 to 79 years of age, it is unknown whether these findings apply to younger postmenopausal women8[seeUse in Specific Populations, andClinical Studies]。

Gallbladder Disease

A 2-to 4-fold increase in the risk of gallbladder disease requiring surgery in postmenopausal women receiving estrogens has been reported.


Estrogen administration may lead to severehypercalcemiain patients with breast cancer and bone metastases. If hypercalcemia occurs, use of the drug should be stopped and appropriate measures taken to reduce the serum calcium level.

Visual Abnormalities

Retinal vascular thrombosis has been reported in patients receiving estrogens. Discontinue medication pending examination if there is sudden partial or complete loss of vision, or a sudden onset of proptosis,diplopia, or migraine. If examination revealspapilledemaor retinal vascular lesions, estrogens should be permanently discontinued.

Anaphylactic Reaction And Angioedema

Cases of速发型过敏反应, which developed within minutes to hours after taking PREMARIN and require emergency medical management, have been reported in the postmarketing setting. Skin (hives, pruritis, swollen lips-tongue-face) and either respiratory tract (respiratory compromise) orgastrointestinaltract (abdominal pain, vomiting) involvement has been noted.

Angioedemainvolving the tongue,larynx, face, hands, and feet requiring medical intervention has occurred postmarketing in patients taking PREMARIN. If angioedema involves the tongue, glottis, or larynx, airway obstruction may occur. Patients who develop an anaphylactic reaction with or without angioedema after treatment with PREMARIN should not receive PREMARIN again.

Addition Of A Progestin When A Woman Has Not Had A Hysterectomy

Studies of the addition of a progestin for 10 or more days of a cycle of estrogen administration or daily with estrogen in a continuous regimen, have reported a lowered incidence of endometrial hyperplasia than would be induced by estrogen treatment alone. Endometrial hyperplasia may be a precursor to endometrial cancer.

There are, however, possible risks that may be associated with the use of progestins with estrogens compared to estrogen-alone regimens. These include an increased risk of breast cancer.

Elevated Blood Pressure

In a small number of case reports, substantial increases in blood pressure have been attributed to idiosyncratic reactions to estrogens. In a large, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, a generalized effect of estrogen therapy on blood pressure was not seen.


In women with pre-existing hypertriglyceridemia, estrogen therapy may be associated with elevations of plasma triglycerides leading to pancreatitis. Consider discontinuation of treatment if pancreatitis occurs.

Hepatic Impairment And/Or Past History Of Cholestatic Jaundice

Estrogens may be poorly metabolized in patients with impaired liver function. For women with a history of cholestatic jaundice associated with past estrogen use or with pregnancy, caution should be exercised, and in the case of recurrence, medication should be discontinued.


Estrogen administration leads to increasedthyroid-binding globulin (TBG) levels. Women with normal thyroid function can compensate for the increased TBG by making morethyroid hormone, thus maintaining free T4 and T3 serum concentrations in thenormal range. Women dependent on thyroid hormone replacement therapy who are also receiving estrogens may require increased doses of their thyroid replacement therapy. These women should have their thyroid function monitored in order to maintain their free thyroid hormone levels in an acceptable range.

Fluid Retention

Estrogens may cause some degree of fluid retention. Women with conditions that might be influenced by this factor, such as cardiac or renal dysfunction, warrant careful observation when estrogen alone is prescribed.


Estrogen therapy should be used with caution in individuals withhypoparathyroidismas estrogen-inducedhypocalcemiamay occur.

Hereditary Angioedema

Exogenousestrogens may exacerbate symptoms of angioedema in women withhereditary angioedema.

Exacerbation Of Endometriosis

A few cases ofmalignanttransformation ofresidualendometrial implants have been reported in women treated post-hysterectomy with estrogen-alone therapy. For women known to have residualendometriosispost-hysterectomy, the addition of progestin should be considered.

Exacerbation Of Other Conditions

Estrogen therapy may cause an exacerbation of asthma,diabetesmellitus, epilepsy, migraine, porphyria, systemiclupuserythematosus, and hepatic hemangiomas and should be used with caution in women with these conditions.

Laboratory Tests

Serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels have not been shown to be useful in the management of moderate to severevasomotorsymptoms and moderate to severe symptoms ofvulvarand vaginalatrophy.

Laboratory parameters may be useful in guiding dosage for the treatment of hypoestrogenism due tohypogonadism, castration and primary ovarian failure.

Drug-Laboratory Test Interactions

Acceleratedprothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, andplatelet aggregationtime; increasedplatelet count; increased factors II, VIIantigen, VIII antigen, VIII coagulant activity, IX, X, XII, VII-X complex, II-VII-X complex, and beta-thromboglobulin; decreased levels of antifactor Xa and antithrombin III, decreased antithrombin III activity; increased levels of fibrinogen and fibrinogen activity; increased plasminogen antigen and activity.

Increased thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) levels leading to increased circulating total thyroid hormone levels as measured by protein-boundiodine(PBI), T4 levels (by column or by radioimmunoassay) or T3 levels by radioimmunoassay. T3 resin uptake is decreased, reflecting the elevated TBG. Free T4 and free T3 concentrations are unaltered. Women on thyroid replacement therapy may require higher doses of thyroid hormone.

Other binding proteins may be elevated in serum, for example,corticosteroidbinding globulin (CBG), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), leading to increased total circulating corticosteroids and sex steroids, respectively. Free hormone concentrations, such astestosteroneand estradiol, may be decreased. Other plasma proteins may be increased (angiotensinogen/renin substrate, alpha-1-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin).

Increased plasma high-densitylipoprotein(HDL) and HDL2cholesterolsubfraction concentrations, reduced low-density lipoprotein (低密度脂蛋白) cholesterol concentrations, increased triglyceride levels.

Impaired glucose tolerance.

Patient Counseling Information

SeeFDA-approved patient labeling (PATIENT INFORMATION).

Vaginal Bleeding

Inform postmenopausal women of the importance of reporting vaginal bleeding to their healthcare provider as soon as possible [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]。

Possible Serious Adverse Reactions With Estrogens

Inform postmenopausal women of possible serious adverse reactions of estrogen therapy including Cardiovascular Disorders, Malignant Neoplasms, and Probable Dementia [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS]。

Possible Less Serious But Common Adverse Reactions With Estrogens

Inform postmenopausal women of possible less serious but common adverse reactions of estrogen therapy such as headache, breast pain and tenderness, nausea and vomiting.

Nonclinical Toxicology

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of Fertility

Long-term continuous administration of natural and synthetic estrogens in certain animal species increases the frequency of carcinomas of the breast, uterus, cervix,vagina, testis, and liver.

Use In Specific Populations


PREMARIN should not be used during pregnancy [seeCONTRAINDICATIONS]。There appears to be little or no increased risk of birth defects in children born to women who have used estrogens and progestins as an oral contraceptive inadvertently during early pregnancy.

Nursing Mothers

PREMARIN should not be used during lactation. Estrogen administration to nursing women has been shown to decrease the quantity and quality of the breast milk. Detectable amounts of estrogens have been identified in the breast milk of mothers receiving estrogen-alone therapy. Caution should be exercised when PREMARIN is administered to a nursing woman.

Pediatric Use

Estrogen therapy has been used for the induction of puberty in adolescents with some forms of pubertal delay. Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not otherwise been established.

大而exten重复剂量的雌激素ded time period have been shown to accelerate epiphyseal closure, which could result in short stature if treatment is initiated before the completion ofphysiologicpuberty in normally developing children. If estrogen is administered to patients whose bone growth is not complete, periodic monitoring of bone maturation and effects on epiphyseal centers is recommended during estrogen administration.

Estrogen treatment ofprepubertalgirls also induces premature breast development and vaginal cornification, and may induce vaginal bleeding. In boys, estrogen treatment may modify the normal pubertal process and induce gynecomastia.

Geriatric Use

There have not been sufficient numbers of geriatric patients involved in studies utilizing PREMARIN to determine whether those over 65 years of age differ from younger subjects in their response to PREMARIN.

The Women's Health Initiative Study

In the WHI estrogen-alone substudy (daily CE 0.625 mg-alone versus placebo), there was a higher relative risk of stroke in women greater than 65 years of age [seeClinical Studies]。

In the WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy (daily CE [0.625 mg] plus MPA [2.5 mg]), there was a higher relative risk of nonfatal stroke and invasive breast cancer in women greater than 65 years of age [seeClinical Studies]。

The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study

In the WHIMS ancillary studies of postmenopausal women 65 to 79 years of age, there was an increased risk of developing probable dementia in women receiving estrogen-alone or estrogen plus progestin when compared to placebo [see警告AND PRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

Since both ancillary studies were conducted in women 65 to 79 years of age, it is unknown whether these findings apply to younger postmenopausal women8[see警告AND PRECAUTIONS, andClinical Studies]。

Renal Impairment

The effect of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics of PREMARIN has not been studied.

Hepatic Impairment

The effect of hepatic impairment on the pharmacokinetics of PREMARIN has not been studied.


1. Rossouw JE, et al. Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Age and Years Since Menopause. JAMA. 2007;297:1465-1477.

2. Hsia J, et al. Conjugated Equine Estrogens and Coronary Heart Disease. Arch Int Med. 2006;166:357-365.

3. Curb JD, et al. Venous Thrombosis and Conjugated Equine Estrogen in Women Without a Uterus. Arch Int Med. 2006;166:772-780.

4. Cushman M, et al. Estrogen Plus Progestin and Risk of Venous Thrombosis. JAMA. 2004;292:1573-1580.

5.Stefanick ML,等。共轭效应等ne Estrogens on Breast Cancer and Mammography Screening in Postmenopausal Women With Hysterectomy. JAMA. 2006;295:1647-1657.

6. ChlebowskiRT, et al. Influence of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Breast Cancer and Mammography in Healthy Postmenopausal Women. JAMA. 2003;289:3234-3253.

7. Anderson GL, et al. Effects of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Gynecologic Cancers and Associated Diagnostic Procedures. JAMA. 2003;290:1739-1748.

8. Shumaker SA, et al. Conjugated Equine Estrogens and Incidence of Probable Dementia and MildCognitiveImpairment in Postmenopausal Women. JAMA. 2004;291:29472958.

Overdose & Contraindications


Overdosage of estrogen may cause nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, drowsiness and fatigue, and withdrawal bleeding may occur in women. Treatment of overdose consists of discontinuation of PREMARIN therapy with institution of appropriate symptomatic care.


PREMARIN therapy is contraindicated in individuals with any of the following conditions:

  • Undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding
  • Known, suspected, or history of breast cancer except in appropriately selected patients being treated for metastatic disease
  • Known or suspected estrogen-dependent neoplasia
  • Active DVT, PE, or a history of these conditions
  • Active arterial thromboembolic disease (for example stroke and MI), or a history of these conditions
  • Known anaphylactic reaction or angioedema with Premarin
  • Known liver impairment or disease
  • Known protein C, protein S or antithrombin deficiency, or other known thrombophilic disorders.
  • Known or suspected pregnancy


Mechanism Of Action

Endogenousestrogens are largely responsible for the development and maintenance of the female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. Although circulating estrogens exist in a dynamic equilibrium of metabolic interconversions, estradiol is the principal intracellular human estrogen and is substantially more potent than its metabolites, estrone and estriol, at the receptor level.

The primary source of estrogen in normally cycling adult women is the ovarian follicle, which secretes 70 to 500 mcg of estradiol daily, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. After menopause, most endogenous estrogen is produced by conversion ofandrostenedione, secreted by the广告renal cortex, to estrone in the peripheral tissues. Thus, estrone and the sulfate-conjugated form, estrone sulfate, are the most abundant circulating estrogens in postmenopausal women.

Estrogens act through binding to nuclear receptors in estrogen-responsive tissues. To date, two estrogen receptors have been identified. These vary in proportion from tissue to tissue.

Circulating estrogens modulate thepituitarysecretion of the gonadotropins,luteinizing hormone(LH) and FSH, through a negative feedback mechanism. Estrogens act to reduce the elevated levels of these gonadotropins seen in postmenopausal women.


There are no pharmacodynamic data for PREMARIN.



Conjugated estrogens are water-soluble and are absorbed from thegastrointestinal tractafter release from the drug formulation. The PREMARIN tablet releases conjugated estrogens slowly over several hours. Table 2 summarizes the mean pharmacokinetic parameters for unconjugated and conjugated estrogens following administration of 1 x 0.625 mg and 1 x 1.25 mg tablets to healthy postmenopausal women.

食物的效果:The pharmacokinetics of PREMARIN 0.45 mg and 1.25 mg tablets were assessed following a single dose with a high-fat breakfast and with fasting administration. The Cmax and AUC of estrogens were altered approximately 3-13%. The changes to Cmax and AUC are not considered clinically meaningful, therefore PREMARIN may be taken without regard to meals.


Pharmacokinetic Profile of Unconjugated Estrogens Following a Dose of 1 x 0.625 mg
Arithmetic Mean (%CV) Cmax (pg/mL) tmax (h) t½ (h) AUC (pg•h/mL)
Estrone 87 (33) 9.6 (33) 50.7 (35) 5557 (59)
Baseline- adjusted estrone 64 (42) 9.6 (33) 20.2 (40) 1723 (52)
Equilin 31 (38) 7.9 (32) 12.9 (112) 602 (54)
Pharmacokinetic Profile of Conjugated Estrogens Following a Dose of 1 x 0.625 mg
Arithmetic Mean (%CV) Cmax (ng/mL) tmax (h) t½ (h) AUC (ng•h/mL)
Total Estrone 2.7 (43) 6.9 (25) 26.7 (33) 75(52)
Baseline-adjusted total estrone 2.5 (45) 6.9 (25) 14.8 (35) 46 (48)
Total Equilin 1.8 (56) 5.6 (45) 11.4 (31) 27 (56)
Pharmacokinetic Profile of Unconjugated Estrogens Following a Dose of 1 x 1.25 mg
Arithmetic Mean (%CV) Cmax (pg/mL) tmax (h) t½ (h) AUC (pg•h/mL)
Estrone 124 (30) 10.0 (32) 38.1 (37) 6332 (44)
Baseline- adjusted estrone 102 (35) 10.0 (32) 19.7 (48) 3159 (53)
Equilin 59 (43) 8.8 (36) 10.9 (47) 1182 (42)
Pharmacokinetic Profile of Conjugated Estrogens Following a Dose of 1 x 1.25 mg
Arithmetic Mean (%CV) Cmax (ng/mL) tmax (h) t½ (h) AUC (ng•h/mL)
Total Estrone 4.5 (39) 8.2 (58) 26.5 (40) 109 (46)
Baseline-adjusted total estrone 4.3 (41) 8.2 (58) 17.5 (41) 87 (44)
Total equilin 2.9 (42) 6.8 (49) 12.5 (34) 48 (51)


The distribution of exogenous estrogens is similar to that of endogenous estrogens. Estrogens are widely distributed in the body and are generally found in higher concentration in the sex hormone target organs. Estrogens circulate in the blood largely bound to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) andalbumin.


Exogenous estrogens are metabolized in the same manner as endogenous estrogens. Circulating estrogens exist in a dynamic equilibrium of metabolic interconversions. These transformations take place mainly in the liver. Estradiol is converted reversibly to estrone, and both can be converted to estriol, which is a major urinary metabolite. Estrogens also undergo enterohepatic recirculation via sulfate and glucuronide conjugation in the liver,biliary轭合物进入小肠的分泌和衔接drolysis in the intestine followed by reabsorption. In postmenopausal women, a significant portion of the circulating estrogens exists as sulfate conjugates, especially estrone sulfate, which serves as a circulatingreservoirfor the formation of more active estrogens.


Estradiol, estrone, and estriol are excreted in the urine, along with glucuronide and sulfate conjugates.

Use In Specific Populations

No pharmacokinetic studies were conducted with Premarin in specific populations, including patients with renal or hepatic impairment.

Clinical Studies

Effects On Vasomotor Symptoms

In the first year of the Health andOsteoporosis, Progestin and Estrogen (HOPE) Study, a total of 2,805 postmenopausal women (average age 53.3 ± 4.9 years) were randomly assigned to one of eight treatment groups of either placebo or conjugated estrogens, with or without medroxyprogesterone acetate. Efficacy for vasomotor symptoms was assessed during the first 12 weeks of treatment in a subset of symptomatic women (n = 241) who had at least seven moderate to severe hot flushes daily, or at least 50 moderate to severe hot flushes during the week before randomization. PREMARIN (0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, and 0.625 mg tablets) was shown to be statistically better than placebo at weeks 4 and 12 for relief of both frequency and severity of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms. Table 3 shows the adjusted mean number of hot flushes in the PREMARIN 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, and 0.625 mg and placebo groups during the initial 12-week period.


Treatment (No. of Patients) ---------------No.of Hot Flushes/Day--------------
Time Period (week) Baseline Mean ± SD Observed Mean ± SD Mean Change ± SD p-Values vs Placeboa
0.625 mg CE (n = 27)
4 12.29 ± 3.89 1.95 ± 2.77 -10.34 ± 4.73 < 0.001
12 12.29 ± 3.89 0.75 ± 1.82 -11.54 ± 4.62 < 0.001
0.45 mg CE (n = 32)
4 12.25 ± 5.04 5.04 ± 5.31 -7.21 ± 4.75 < 0.001
12 12.25 ± 5.04 2.32 ± 3.32 -9.93 ± 4.64 < 0.001
0.3 mg CE (n = 30)
4 13.77 ± 4.78 4.65 ± 3.71 -9.12 ± 4.71 < 0.001
12 13.77 ± 4.78 2.52 ± 3.23 -11.25 ± 4.60 < 0.001
Placebo (n = 28)
4 11.69 ± 3.87 7.89 ± 5.28 -3.80 ± 4.71 -
12 11.69 ± 3.87 5.71 ± 5.22 -5.98 ± 4.60 -
aBased on analysis of covariance with treatment as factor and baseline as covariate.

Effects On Vulvar And Vaginal Atrophy

Results of vaginal maturation indexes at cycles 6 and 13 showed that the differences from placebo were statistically significant (p < 0.001) for all treatment groups. (conjugated estrogens alone and conjugated estrogens/medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment groups).

Effects On Bone Mineral Density

Health And Osteoporosis, Progestin And Estrogen (HOPE) Study

The HOPE study was a double-blind, randomized, placebo/active-drug-controlled, multicenter study of healthy postmenopausal women with an intact uterus. Subjects (mean age 53.3 ± 4.9 years) were 2.3 ± 0.9 years on average since menopause and took one 600 mg tablet of elemental calcium (Caltrate™) daily. Subjects were not given Vitamin D supplements. They were treated with PREMARIN 0.625 mg, 0.45 mg, 0.3 mg, or placebo. Prevention of bone loss was assessed by measurement of bone mineral density (BMD), primarily at theanteroposteriorlumbarspine (L2 to L4). Secondarily, BMD measurements of the total body,femoralneck, andtrochanterwere also analyzed. Serum osteocalcin, urinary calcium, and Ntelopeptide were used as bone turnover markers (BTM) at cycles 6, 13, 19, and 26.

Intent-To-treat subjects

All active treatment groups showed significant differences from placebo in each of the four BMD endpoints at cycles 6, 13, 19, and 26. The mean percent increases in the primary efficacy measure (L2 to L4 BMD) at the final on-therapy evaluation (cycle 26 for those who completed and the last available evaluation for those who discontinued early) were 2.46 percent with 0.625 mg, 2.26 percent with 0.45 mg, and 1.13 percent with 0.3 mg. The placebo group showed a mean percent decrease from baseline at the final evaluation of 2.45 percent.

These results show that the lower dosages of PREMARIN were effective in increasing L2 to L4 BMD compared with placebo, and therefore support the efficacy of the lower doses.

The analysis for the other three BMD endpoints yielded mean percent changes from baseline in femoral trochanter that were generally larger than those seen for L2 to L4, and changes in femoral neck and total body that were generally smaller than those seen for L2 to L4. Significant differences between groups indicated that each of the PREMARIN treatments was more effective than placebo for all three of these additional BMD endpoints. With regard to femoral neck and total body, the active treatment groups all showed mean percent increases in BMD, while placebo treatment was accompanied by mean percent decreases. For femoral trochanter, each of the PREMARIN dose groups showed a mean percent increase that was significantly greater than the small increase seen in the placebo group. The percent changes from baseline to final evaluation are shown in Table 4.


Region Evaluated Treatment Groupa No. of Subjects Baseline (g/cm²) Mean ± SD Change from Baseline (%) Adjusted Mean ± SE p-Value vs. Placebo
L2 to L4 BMD 0.625 83 1.17 ± 0.15 2.46 ± 0.37 < 0.001
0.45 91 1.13 ± 0.15 2.26 ± 0.35 < 0.001
0.3 87 1.14 ± 0.15 1.13 ± 0.36 < 0.001
Placebo 85 1.14 ± 0.14 -2.45 ± 0.36
Total Body BMD 0.625 84 1.15 ± 0.08 0.68 ± 0.17 < 0.001
0.45 91 1.14 ± 0.08 0.74 ± 0.16 < 0.001
0.3 87 1.14 ± 0.07 0.40 ± 0.17 < 0.001
Placebo 85 1.13 ± 0.08 -1.50 ± 0.17
Femoral Neck BMD 0.625 84 0.91 ± 0.14 1.82 ± 0.45 < 0.001
0.45 91 0.89 ± 0.13 1.84±0.44 < 0.001
0.3 87 0.86 ± 0.11 0.62 ± 0.45 < 0.001
Placebo 85 0.88 ± 0.14 -1.72 ± 0.45
Femoral Trochanter BMD 0.625 84 0.78 ± 0.13 3.82 ± 0.58 < 0.001
0.45 91 0.76 ± 0.12 3.16 ± 0.56 0.003
0.3 87 0.75 ± 0.10 3.05 ± 0.57 0.005
Placebo 85 0.75 ± 0.12 0.81 ± 0.58
aIdentified by dosage (mg) of PREMARIN or placebo.

Figure 1 shows the cumulative percentage of subjects with changes from baseline equal to or greater than the value shown on the x-axis.


Cumulative percent of subjects with changes from baseline in spine bmd of given magnitude or greater in premarin® and placebo groups - Illustration

The mean percent changes from baseline in L2 to L4 BMD for women who completed the bone density study are shown with standard error bars by treatment group in Figure 2. Significant differences between each of the PREMARIN dosage groups and placebo were found at cycles 6, 13, 19, and 26.


Adjusted mean (SE) percent change from baseline at each cycle in spine bmd: subjects completing in premarin groups and placebo - Illustration

The bone turnover markers, serum osteocalcin and urinary N-telopeptide, significantly decreased (p < 0.001) in all active-treatment groups at cycles 6, 13, 19, and 26 compared with the placebo group. Larger mean decreases from baseline were seen with the active groups than with the placebo group. Significant differences from placebo were seen less frequently in urine calcium.

Effects On Female Hypogonadism

青春期延迟由于联邦应急管理局的临床研究le hypogonadism, breast development was induced by doses as low as 0.15 mg. The dosage may be gradually titrated upward at 6-to 12 month intervals as needed to achieve appropriate bone age advancement and eventual epiphyseal closure. Clinical studies suggest that doses of 0.15 mg, 0.3 mg, and 0.6 mg are associated with mean ratios of bone age advancement to chronological age progression (BA/CA) of 1.1, 1.5, and 2.1, respectively. (PREMARIN in the dose strength of 0.15 mg is not available commercially). Available data suggest that chronic dosing with 0.625 mg is sufficient to induce artificial cyclic menses with sequential progestin treatment and to maintain bone mineral density after skeletal maturity is achieved.

Women's Health Initiative Studies

The WHI enrolled approximately 27,000 predominantly healthy postmenopausal women in two substudies to assess the risks and benefits of daily oral CE (0.625 mg)-alone or in combination with MPA (2.5 mg) compared to placebo in the prevention of certain chronic diseases. The primary endpoint was the incidence of CHD (defined as nonfatal MI, silent MI and CHD death), with invasive breast cancer as the primary adverse outcome. A “global index” included the earliest occurrence of CHD, invasive breast cancer, stroke, PE, endometrial cancer (only in the CE plus MPA substudy), colorectal cancer, hip fracture, or death due to other causes. These substudies did not evaluate the effects of CE-alone or CE plus MPA on menopausal symptoms.

WHI Estrogen-Alone Substudy

The WHI estrogen-alone substudy was stopped early because an increased risk of stroke was observed, and it was deemed that no further information would be obtained regarding the risks and benefits of estrogen alone in predetermined primary endpoints.

Results of the estrogen-alone substudy, which included 10,739 women (average 63 years of age, range 50 to 79; 75.3 percent White, 15.1 percent Black, 6.1 percent Hispanic, 3.6 percent Other) after an average follow-up of 7.1 years, are presented in Table 5.


Event Relative Risk CE vs. Placebo (95% nCIb) CE
n = 5,310
n = 5,429
Absolute Risk per 10,000 Women-Years
CHD eventsc 0.95 (0.78-1.16) 54 57
Non-fatal MIc 0.91 (0.73-1.14) 40 43
CHD deathc 1.01 (0.71-1.43) 16 16
All Strokec 1.33 (1.05-1.68) 45 33
Ischemic strokec 1.55 (1.19-2.01) 38 25
Deep vein thrombosisc,d 1.47 (1.06-2.06) 23 15
Pulmonary embolismc 1.37 (0.90-2.07) 14 10
Invasive breast cancerc 0.80 (0.62-1.04) 28 34
结肠直肠癌e 1.08 (0.75-1.55) 17 16
Hip fracturec 0.65 (0.45-0.94) 12 19
Vertebral fracturesc,d 0.64 (0.44-0.93) 11 18
Lower arm/wrist fracturesc,d 0.58 (0.47-0.72) 35 59
Total fracturesc,d 0.71 (0.64-0.80) 144 197
Death due to other causese,f 1.08 (0.88-1.32) 53 50
Overall mortalityc,d 1.04 (0.88-1.22) 79 75
全球Indexg 1.02 (0.92-1.13) 206 201
aAdapted from numerous WHI publications. WHI publications can be viewed at
bNominal confidence intervals unadjusted for multiple looks and multiple comparisons.
cResults are based on centrally adjudicated data for an average follow-up of 7.1 years.
dNot included in “global index.”
eResults are based on an average follow-up of 6.8 years.
fAll deaths, except from breast or colorectal cancer, definite/probable CHD, PE or cerebrovascular disease.
gA subset of the events was combined in a “global index” defined as the earliest occurrence of CHD events, invasive breast cancer, stroke, pulmonary embolism, colorectal cancer, hip fracture, or death due to other causes.

For those outcomes included in the WHI “global index” that reached statistical significance, the absolute excess risk per 10,000 women-years in the group treated with CE-alone was 12 more strokes while the absolute risk reduction per 10,000 women-years was 7 fewer hip fractures.9The absolute excess risk of events included in the “global index” was a nonsignificant 5 events per 10,000 women-years. There was no difference between the groups in terms of all-cause mortality.

No overall difference for primary CHD events (nonfatal MI, silent MI and CHD death) and invasive breast cancer incidence in women receiving CE-alone compared with placebo was reported in final centrally adjudicated results from the estrogen-alone substudy, after an average follow up of 7.1 years. See Table 5.

Centrally adjudicated results for stroke events from the estrogen-alone substudy, after an average follow-up of 7.1 years, reported no significant difference in distribution of stroke subtype or severity, including fatal strokes, in women receiving CE-alone compared to placebo. Estrogen-alone increased the risk for ischemic stroke, and this excess risk was present in all subgroups of women examined.10

Timing of the initiation of estrogen-alone therapy relative to the start of menopause may affect the overall risk benefit profile. The WHI estrogen-alone substudy stratified by age showed in women 50-59 years of age, a non-significant trend toward reduced risk for CHD [hazard ratio (HR) 0.63 (95 percent CI 0.36-1.09)] and overall mortality [HR 0.71 (95 percent CI 0.46-1.11)].

WHI Estrogen Plus Progestin Substudy

The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy was stopped early. According to the predefined stopping rule, after an average follow-up of 5.6 years of treatment, the increased risk of invasive breast cancer and cardiovascular events exceeded the specified benefits included in the “global index.” The absolute excess risk of events included in the “global index” was 19 per 10,000 women-years.

For those outcomes included in the WHI “global index” that reached statistical significance after 5.6 years of follow-up, the absolute excess risks per 10,000 women-years in the group treated with CE plus MPA were 7 more CHD events, 8 more strokes, 10 more PEs, and 8 more invasive breast cancers, while the absolute risk reductions per 10,000 women-years were 6 fewer colorectal cancers and 5 fewer hip fractures.

Results of the estrogen plus progestin substudy, which included 16,608 women (average 63 years of age, range 50 to 79; 83.9 percent White, 6.8 percent Black, 5.4 percent Hispanic, 3.9 percent Other) are presented in Table 6. These results reflect centrally adjudicated data after an average follow-up of 5.6 years.


Event Relative Risk CE/MPA vs. Placebo (95% nCIc) CE/MPA
n = 8,506
n = 8,102
Absolute Risk per 10,000 Women- Years
CHD events 1.23 (0.99-1.53) 41 34
Non-fatal MI 1.28 (1.00-1.63) 31 25
CHD death 1.10 (0.70-1.75) 8 8
All Strokes 1.31 (1.03-1.68) 33 25
Ischemic stroke 1.44 (1.09-1.90) 26 18
Deep vein thrombosisd 1.95 (1.43-2.67) 26 13
Pulmonaryembolism 2.13 (1.45-3.11) 18 8
Invasive breast cancere 1.24 (1.01-1.54) 41 33
结肠直肠癌 0.61 (0.42-0.87) 10 16
Endometrial cancerd 0.81 (0.48-1.36) 6 7
Cervical cancerd 1.44 (0.47-4.42) 2 1
Hipfracture 0.67 (0.47-0.96) 11 16
Vertebral fracturesd 0.65 (0.46-0.92) 11 17
Lower arm/wrist fracturesd 0.71 (0.59-0.85) 44 62
Total fracturesd 0.76 (0.69-0.83) 152 199
Overall Mortalityf 1.00 (0.83-1.19) 52 52
全球IndexgydF4y2Bag 1.13 (1.02-1.25) 184 165
aAdapted from numerous WHI publications. WHI publications can be viewed at
bResults are based on centrally adjudicated data.
cNominal confidence intervals unadjusted for multiple looks and multiple comparisons.
dNot included in “global index.”
eIncludes metastatic and non-metastatic breast cancer, with the exception ofin situcancer.
fAll deaths, except from breast or colorectal cancer, definite or probable CHD, PE orcerebrovasculardisease.
gA subset of the events was combined in a “global index” defined as the earliest occurrence of CHD events, invasive breast cancer, stroke, pulmonary embolism, colorectal cancer, hip fracture, or death due to other causes.

Timing of the initiation of estrogen therapy relative to the start of menopause may affect the overall risk benefit profile. The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy stratified by age showed in women 50-59 years of age, a non-significant trend toward reduced risk for overall mortality [HR 0.69 (95 percent CI 0.44-1.07)].

Women's Health Initiative Memory Study

The WHIMS estrogen-alone ancillary study of WHI enrolled 2,947 predominantly healthy hysterectomized postmenopausal women 65 to 79 years of age (45 percent were 65 to 69 years of age; 36 percent were 70 to 74 years of age; 19 percent were 75 years of age and older) to evaluate the effects of daily CE (0.625 mg)-alone on the incidence of probable dementia (primary outcome) compared to placebo.

After an average follow-up of 5.2 years, the relative risk of probable dementia for CE-alone versus placebo was 1.49 (95 percent CI 0.83-2.66). The absolute risk of probable dementia for CE-alone versus placebo was 37 versus 25 cases per 10,000 women-years. Probable dementia as defined in this study includedAlzheimer's disease(AD), vascular dementia (VaD) and mixed types (having features of both AD and VaD). The most common classification of probable dementia in the treatment group and the placebo groups was AD. Since the ancillary study was conducted in women 65 to 79 years of age, it is unknown whether these findings apply to younger postmenopausal women [see警告ANDPRECAUTIONS, andUse in Specific Populations]。

The WHIMS estrogen plus progestin ancillary study enrolled 4,532 predominantly healthy postmenopausal women 65 years of age and older (47 percent were 65 to 69 years of age; 35 percent were 70 to 74 years; 18 percent were 75 years of age and older) to evaluate the effects of daily CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) on the incidence of probable dementia (primary outcome) compared to placebo.

After an average follow-up of 4 years, the relative risk of probable dementia for CE plus MPA was 2.05 (95 percent CI, 1.21-3.48). The absolute risk of probable dementia for CE (0.625 mg) plus MPA (2.5 mg) versus placebo was 45 versus 22 per 10,000 women-years. Probable dementia as defined in this study included AD, VaD and mixed types (having features of both AD and VaD). The most common classification of probable dementia in both the treatment and placebo groups was AD. Since the ancillary study was conducted in women 65 to 79 years of age, it is unknown whether these findings apply to younger postmenopausal women [see警告ANDPRECAUTIONS, andUse in Specific Populations]。

When data from the two populations were pooled as planned in the WHIMS protocol, the reported overall relative risk for probable dementia was 1.76 (95 percent CI 1.19-2.60).

Differences between groups became apparent in the first year of treatment. It is unknown whether these findings apply to younger postmenopausal women [see警告ANDPRECAUTIONS, andUse in Specific Populations]。


9. Jackson RD, et al. Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogen on Risk of Fractures and BMD in Postmenopausal Women With Hysterectomy: Results From the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2006;21:817-828.

10. Hendrix SL, et al. Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogen on Stroke in the Women's Health Initiative.Circulation. 2006;113:2425-2434.

Medication Guide


(conjugated estrogen) Tablets, USP

Read this PATIENT INFORMATION before you start taking PREMARIN and read what you get each time you refill your PREMARIN prescription. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or your treatment.


  • 使用单独使用雌激素可能会增加你的chance of getting cancer of the uterus (womb) Report any unusual vaginal bleeding right away while you are using PREMARIN. Vaginal bleeding after menopause may be a warning sign of cancer of the uterus (womb). Your healthcare provider should check any unusual vaginal bleeding to find the cause.
  • Do not use estrogen-alone to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, or dementia (decline of brain function)
  • 使用单独使用雌激素可能会增加你的chances of getting strokes or blood clots
  • 使用单独使用雌激素可能会增加你的chance of getting dementia, based on a study of women 65 years of age or older
  • Do not use estrogens with progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia
  • Using estrogens with progestins may increase your chances of getting heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, or blood clots
  • Using estrogens with progestins may increase your chance of getting dementia, based on a study of women 65 years of age or older
  • You and your healthcare provider should talk regularly about whether you still need treatment with PREMARIN


PREMARIN is a medicine that contains a mixture of estrogen hormones.

What is PREMARIN used for?

PREMARIN is used after menopause to:

  • Reduce moderate to severe hot flashes
    Estrogens are hormones made by a woman's ovaries. The ovaries normally stop making estrogens when a woman is between 45 and 55 years old. This drop in body estrogen levels causes the “change of life” or menopause (the end of monthly menstrual periods). Sometimes, both ovaries are removed during anoperationbefore natural menopause takes place. The sudden drop in estrogen levels causes “surgical menopause.”
    When the estrogen levels begin dropping, some women get very uncomfortable symptoms, such as feelings of warmth in the face, neck, and chest, or sudden strong feelings of heat and sweating (“hot flashes” or “hot flushes”). In some women the symptoms are mild, and they will not need to take estrogens. In other women, symptoms can be more severe.
  • Treat menopausal changes in and around the vagina
    You and your healthcare provider should talk regularly about whether you still need treatment with PREMARIN to control these problems. If you use PREMARIN only to treat your menopausal changes in and around your vagina, talk with your healthcare provider about whether a topical vaginal product would be better for you.
  • Help reduce your chances of getting osteoporosis (thin weak bones)
    从更年期骨质疏松症是一个稀疏的bones that makes them weaker and easier to break. If you use PREMARIN only to prevent osteoporosis due to menopause, talk with your healthcare provider about whether a different treatment or medicine without estrogens might be better for you.
    Weight-bearing exercise, like walking or running, and taking calcium (1500 mg/day of elemental calcium) and vitamin D (400-800 IU/day) supplements may also lower your chances of getting postmenopausal osteoporosis. It is important to talk about exercise and supplements with your healthcare provider before starting them.
    You and your healthcare provider should talk regularly about whether you still need treatment with PREMARIN.

PREMARIN is also used to:

  • Treat certain conditions in women before menopause if their ovaries do not make enough estrogen naturally.
  • Ease symptoms of certain cancers that have spread through the body, in men and women

Who should not take PREMARIN?

Do not take PREMARIN if you:

  • Have unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Currently have or have had certain cancers
    Estrogens may increase the chance of getting certain types of cancers, including cancer of the breast or uterus. If you have or have had cancer, talk with your healthcare provider about whether you should use PREMARIN.
  • Had a stroke or heart attack
  • Currently have or have had blood clots
  • Currently have or have had liver problems
  • Have been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder
  • Are allergic to PREMARIN or any of its ingredients
    See the end of this leaflet for a list of ingredients in PREMARIN.
  • Think you may be pregnant

Tell your healthcare provider

  • If you have any unusual vaginal bleeding
    Vaginal bleeding after menopause may be a warning sign of cancer of the uterus (womb). Your healthcare provider should check any unusual vaginal bleeding to find out the cause.
  • About all of your medical problems
    Your healthcare provider may need to check you more carefully if you have certain conditions, such as asthma (wheezing), epilepsy (seizures), diabetes, migraine, endometriosis, lupus, problems with your heart, liver, thyroid, kidneys, or have high calcium levels in your blood.
  • About all the medicines you take
    This includes prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Some medicines may affect how PREMARIN works. PREMARIN may also affect how your other medicines work.
  • If you are going to have surgery or will be on bedrest
    You may need to stop taking PREMARIN.
  • If you are breastfeeding
    The hormones in PREMARIN can pass into your milk.

How should I take PREMARIN?

  • Take one PREMARIN tablet at the same time each day
  • If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your normal schedule. Do not take 2 doses at the same time.
  • Estrogens should be used at the lowest dose possible for your treatment only as long as needed. You and your healthcare provider should talk regularly (for example, every 3 to 6 months) about the dose you are taking and whether you still need treatment with PREMARIN.
  • If you see something that resembles a tablet in yourstool, talk to your healthcare provider.
  • Take PREMARIN with or without food.

What are the possible side effects of PREMARIN?

Side effects are grouped by how serious they are and how often they happen when you are treated.

Serious, but less common side effects include:

Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following warning signs or any other unusual symptoms that concern you:

  • New breast lumps
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Changes in vision or speech
  • Sudden new severe headaches
  • Severe pains in your chest or legs with or without shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue
  • Swollen lips, tongue and face

Less serious, but common side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Breast pain
  • Irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Stomach/abdominal cramps/bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Hair loss
  • Fluid retention
  • Vaginal yeast infection

These are not all the possible side effects of PREMARIN. For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What can I do to lower my chances of getting a serious side effect with PREMARIN?

  • Talk with your healthcare provider regularly about whether you should continue taking PREMARIN
  • If you have a uterus, talk to your healthcare provider about whether the addition of a progestin is right for you. The addition of a progestin is generally recommended for women with a uterus to reduce the chance of getting cancer of the uterus (womb).
  • See your health care provider right away if you get vaginal bleeding while taking PREMARIN
  • Have a pelvic exam, breast exam and mammogram (breastx射线) every year unless your healthcare provider tells you something else. If members of your family have had breast cancer or if you have ever had breast lumps or an abnormal mammogram, you may need to have breast exams more often.
  • If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol (fat in the blood), diabetes, areoverweight, or if you use tobacco, you may have higher chances for getting heart disease. Ask your healthcare provider for ways to lower your chances of getting heart disease.

General information about the safe and effective use of PREMARIN

药物是有时规定条件that are not mentioned in patient information leaflets. Do not take PREMARIN for conditions for which it was not prescribed. Do not give PREMARIN to other people, even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them.

Keep PREMARIN out of the reach of children

This leaflet provides a summary of the most important information about PREMARIN. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

What are the ingredients in PREMARIN?

PREMARIN contains a mixture of conjugated estrogens, which are a mixture of sodium estrone sulfate and sodium equilin sulfate and other components including sodium sulfate conjugates, 17 α-dihydroequilin, 17 α-estradiol, and 17 β-dihydroequilin.

PREMARIN 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, 0.625 mg, 0.9 mg, and 1.25 mg tablets also contain the following inactive ingredients: calcium phosphate tribasic, hydroxypropyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, powdered cellulose, hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol, sucrose and titanium dioxide.

The tablets come in different strengths and each strength tablet is a different color. The color ingredients are:

  • 0.3 mg tablet (green color): D&C Yellow No. 10 and FD&C Blue No. 2.
  • 0.45 mg tablet (blue color): FD&C Blue No. 2.
  • 0.625 mg tablet (maroon color): FD&C Blue No. 2 and FD&C Red No. 40.
  • 0.9 mg tablet (white color): D&C Red No. 30 and D&C Red No. 7.
  • 1.25 mg tablet (yellow color): black iron oxide, D&C Yellow No. 10, and FD&C Yellow No. 6. The appearance of these tablets is a trademark of Wyeth LLC.

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Report Problems to the Food and Drug Administration

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit theFDA MedWatchwebsite or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

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