Definition of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:The US agency charged with tracking and investigatingpublic healthtrends. The stated mission of theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, commonly called the疾病预防控制中心, is "To promotehealthandquality of lifeby preventing and controllingdisease,injury, and disability."

A part of the U.S. Public Health Services (PHS) under theDepartment of Health and Human Services(HHS), the CDC is headquarteredinAtlanta, Georgia. As of 2000, the CDC had approximately 7,800 employees in 170 occupations. They were working in:

  • 疾病预防控制中心facilities in the US in:
    • Anchorage, Alaska
    • Atlanta
    • Cincinnati, Ohio
    • Fort Collins, Colorado
    • Morgantown, West Virginia
    • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    • Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
    • San Juan, Puerto Rico
    • Spokane, Washington and
    • The Washington, D.C. area
  • Other countries
  • Quarantineoffices and
  • State and local health agencies.

The CDC publishes key health information including weeklydataon all deaths and diseases reported in the United States ("Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report") and travelers' health advisories.

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