Cardizem vs. Cordarone

Are Cardizem and Cordarone the Same Thing?

Cardizem(diltiazem hydrochloride) andCordarone(amiodarone) are used to treat different types ofheartproblems.

Cardizem is used to preventchest pain(心绞痛). Cardizem may help to increase your ability to exercise and decrease how often you may get angina attacks.

Cordarone is used for many serious arrhythmias of the heart includingventricular fibrillation,ventricular tachycardia,atrial fibrillation, andatrial flutter.

Cardizem and Cordarone belong to different drug classes. Cardizem is acalcium channel blockerand Cordarone is an antiarrhythmic.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Cardizem?

Commonside effectsof Cardizem include:

Tell yourdoctorif you have unlikely but serious side effects of Cardizem including:

What Are Possible Side Effects of Cordarone?

Common side effects of Cordarone include:

Tell your doctor if you have serious side effects of Cordarone including:
  • easy bruising or bleeding,
  • loss of coordination,
  • tingling or numbness of the hands or feet,
  • uncontrolled movements, or
  • new or worsening symptoms of heart failure (such asankleorlegswelling, increased tiredness, increased shortness of breath when lying down).


Cardizem (diltiazem hydrochloride) is acalciumchannel blocker used to preventchestpain (angina). Cardizem may help to increase your ability to exercise and decrease how often you may get angina attacks.

What Is Cordarone?

Cordarone (amiodarone) is an antiarrhythmic drug used for many serious arrhythmias of the heart includingventricularfibrillation, ventriculartachycardia,atrialfibrillation, and atrialflutter.

What Drugs Interact With Cardizem?

Cardizem may interact with amiodarone,digoxin, atazanavir,cimetidine, quinidine, St. John's wort, azole antifungals,macrolideantibiotics, rifamycins, buspirone,cyclosporine,sirolimus,statins, anti-seizuredrugs,benzodiazepines,caffeine,pseudoephedrine,phenylephrine, or other drugs that can raiseheart rate. Tell your doctor all medications and supplements you use.

What Drugs Interact With Cordarone?

Cordarone may interact with beta-blockers and certaincalcium channel blockersresultinginan excessively slow heart rate or a block in the conduction of the electrical impulse through the heart. Cordarone increases thebloodlevels of digoxin,氟卡尼,phenytoin, and procainamide. Cordarone interacts withwarfarinand increases the risk of bleeding. Amiodarone can interact withsimvastatin,atorvastatin, andlovastatin, increasing the risk of severemusclebreakdown andkidneyfailure orliver disease. Cordarone is harmful to thefetusand to infants. It should not be administered duringpregnancyand women should not breastfeed while taking Cordarone.

How Should Cardizem Be Taken?

Dosage of Cardizem is individually adjusted. Starting with 30mgfour times daily, before meals and at bedtime, dosage is increased gradually (given in divided doses three or four times daily) at 1- to 2-day intervals until optimum response is obtained. The average optimum dosagerangeis 180 to 360 mg/day.

How Should Cordarone Be Taken?

Dosing varies depending onindication.


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You may also report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by visiting the FDA MedWatch website or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.


DailyMed. Cardizem Product Information.
Pfizer. Cordarone Product Information.

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