Can You Get Rid of a Spermatocele Naturally?

spermatocele treatment naturally
You cannot get rid of a spermatocele naturally despite the claims of diets, herbal remedies and lifestyle modifications. However, most spermatoceles are benign and do not require treatment.

You cannot get rid of a spermatocele naturally. Althoughdiet, herbal remedies and lifestyle modifications often claim to treat a spermatocele, there is no evidence that they help get rid of the condition.

Most spermatoceles are not dangerous and do not require any treatment. However, you may need treatment when one continues to enlarge or causes symptoms or embarrassment. A spermatocele may also require treatment if it causes complications such as reduced blood supply to the penis (which is rare).

A small spermatocele or one that causes no symptoms or does not increase in size can be left without treatment. At times, it may even reduce in size when the body absorbs the collected fluid.

When needed, the treatment of a spermatocele includes medications, surgery or both.


  • No particular medications are needed for a spermatocele, however, treatment is mainly given for symptomatic relief.
  • Doctors may give nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs(NSAIDs) to reducepain. They may also prescribe antibiotics if an underlying infection (epididymitis) is present.


  • Surgery is largely avoided for men who have a desire to have children in the future.
  • A spermatocele囊肿removal surgery (spermatocelectomy) may be done.
    • This is typically an outdoor procedure, and the operated person usually can go home the same day.
    • The procedure involves making a surgical cut (incision) over the scrotum or groin area to remove the spermatocele.
    • The surgery may be done under local or general anesthesia.
  • Another, although less effective, alternative surgery issclerotherapy.
    • This involves injecting a substance that shrinks the spermatocele (a sclerosing agent).
    • Common sclerosing agents includealcohol, phenol,tetracyclineand fibrin glue.
    • Sclerotherapy may be done along with aspiration that involves removing the collected fluid by inserting a special needle into the spermatocele.
  • Aspiration alone is generally not preferred because it has a high recurrence rate (the spermatocele comes back in some time after the procedure).

What is a spermatocele?

A spermatocele also called a spermatic囊肿or an epididymal cyst is a benign (noncancerous) fluid-filled mass that grows near the testicles. The fluid in the spermatocele may be clear or cloudy and contains sperm.

Spermatoceles generally arise from a structure in the male reproductive system called the epididymis. The epididymis is a long, coiled tube-like structure that runs behind and over the top of each testicle. The main role of the epididymis is to store and transport sperm. It is also the site where the sperm matures.

A spermatocele may be caused by blockage (obstruction) of any part of the epididymis. The blockage may be congenital due to developmental anomaly or acquired due to infections.

While a spermatocele is typically benign and does not increase your risk of testicularcancer, cancerous swelling may be mistaken for it. Hence, you must contact your doctor for a definitive diagnosis. Most spermatoceles do not causepainor discomfort. A large spermatocele, however, may cause pain, heaviness or embarrassment.

Can spermatoceles cause infertility?

Having a spermatocele per se does not affect a man’sfertility. However, treatment of a spermatocele (aspiration, surgery or sclerotherapy), may causeinfertility. Surgery or sclerotherapy is generally avoided in men who wish to have children because there is a risk of epididymal injury that can cause infertility. Sclerotherapy may cause chemical epididymitis and resultant epididymal damage as side effects that may impair fertility.


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