Can You Drink Wine After Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine?

drinking wine
Most health officials advise against drinking alcohol for about a week after getting the COVID-19 vaccine

It is normal to experiencepainat the injection site,fever,headacheand bodypainfor two to three days after getting thevaccine. There is no firm answer or scientific evidence that indicates thatalcohol, including wine, should be avoided after getting the vaccine. However,most health officials advise against drinking for about a week because the symptoms that may occur after the vaccine may worsen with alcohol.

Is the COVID-19 vaccine effective?

The vaccine is effective in reducing risk of the disease or at least preventing serious complications due toCOVID-19. Allvaccinesare also safe provided people have no contraindications.Pregnant妇女、儿童和活跃的人COVID-19infection should not get vaccinated per the current norms. While getting the vaccine does not mean people will never getCOVID-19, the vaccine will prevent serious illness or death due to COVID-19 complications.

The vaccine is given in two doses four to eight weeks apart. It usually takes two to four weeks after vaccination for the body to build protection (immunity) against the virus. This means people can get infected with COVID-19 before or just after vaccination and because the vaccine would not have enough time to provide protection.

人们仍然可以symptomatic carriers and infect others after vaccination. Therefore, it is advisable to continue taking precautions such as wearing a mask, maintaining a six-foot distance, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, and washing hands often.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 or coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by a novel strain of coronavirus namedsevere acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). The World Health Organization (WHO) has declaredSARS-COV-2 a global pandemic. Cases were first discovered in Wuhan in early December 2019. The virus then spread globally and emerged as the cause of acute respiratory disease. Coronavirus seems to be morecontagious(spreads more easily) and leads to a more serious illness than theflu.

Coronaviruses belong to a large family of related RNAvirusesthat cause illnesses ranging fromcommon coldto severe diseases such asMiddle East respiratory syndrome(MERS) andsevere acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus (SARS-COV).

COVID-19 cases continue to increase with deaths being reported worldwide. Hence, people must take precautions such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, regular hand washing and getting vaccinated. Getting diagnosed and seeking treatment early are crucial because any delay can be deadly.

The new COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough provides hope against the virus. Extensive trials have been conducted to test the vaccine’s efficacy. It is recommended that people get vaccinated provided they have no contraindications for the same. Several countries have started vaccinating their populations, especially health-care workers and the elderly. Multiple pharmaceutical/biotech companies are manufacturing the vaccine, as the goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible. People should contact their doctors to learn more about the vaccine and how and when it can be administered.

What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19?

Coronavirus is transmitted when a healthy person comes in close contact with the droplets from acough, a sneeze or凳子aerosols of an infected person.Symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the extent of infection.

The symptoms become apparent after an average of 5 to 10 days. However, it could also take longer depending on the body’s ability to endure the virus. Thehuman bodyrecognizes foreign pathogens that enter and begins to eliminate them by increasing the body temperature, producing factors that fight against the virus. This is the infectious stage, where a person starts manifesting symptoms such ascough,feverand severe throat pain.

At this stage, the infection is highly contagious and can be actively transferred through droplets, aerosols and secretions. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include:

What are the tests for detecting COVID-19?

Multiple tests are available to diagnose COVID-19 infection. Common tests include:

  • Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) test
  • Antibody detection test
  • High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scan of the chest (It gives a CT score that indicates lung involvement and the need for aggressive treatment).