Best Natural Treatments For Gastritis

Medically Reviewed on7/21/2022

8 Natural home remedies for gastritis

Gastritis is a condition in which the lining of the stomach gets red and swollen
Gastritis is a condition in which the lining of the stomach gets red and swollen

8 Natural and home remedies forgastritisinclude:

  1. Probiotics:Probiotics细菌可以改善消化healt有好处h by killing harmful bacteria. It regularizes bowel movements and halts the progress ofH. pyloribacteria which is the leading cause of this disease. Yogurt is a commonprobioticfood product.
  2. Essential oils: Although there is no strong medical evidence, certain essential oils may aid in getting rid of gastritis. Oils such as lemon verbena and lemongrass oil reduce the impact of the H. pylori bacteria. Apart from this, oils such asginger, peppermint, and clove help in improveddigestion. These oils shouldn’t be ingested and must be used externally that too by diluting with the carrier oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, etc.
  3. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar reduces the additional acid production in the belly and reinstates stability. It may even kill the bacteria that are creating harm to the stomach lining. Adding a little bit of honey in vinegar may further soothe the injured stomach lining.
  4. Garlic: Garlic is well-known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It may help to manage gastritis by targeting H. pylori and reducinggasformation in the stomach.
  5. Coconut water: Coconut water and milk are said to have antiseptic potentials that may aid in killing bacteria. It may also help in strengthening the immune system and improving the healing process.
  6. Broccoli:花椰菜是一种有益的蔬菜;它是one of the best home remedies to manage gastritis because it is even used in daily food. It gives many indispensable nutrients, which can help in relievinggastritis symptoms.
  7. Aloe vera: It has anti-inflammatory properties that may lessen and calm the stomach.
  8. Papaya: Papaya has loads of antioxidants. It even has papain, an enzyme that helps the digestion of nutritional proteins and reduces the formation of gas in the stomach.
  9. Anti-inflammatorydiet: Consuming foods that have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in relievingsymptoms of gastritisinclude:
    • Fruits and vegetables that are rich invitamin K
    • Whole grains (brown rice, oats, and whole-wheat bread)
    • Beans
    • Nuts
    • Fish (salmon, sardines, and tuna)
    • Spices such as turmeric

What is gastritis?

In gastritis, the lining gets inflamed and starts making less acid, enzymes, and mucus.

Gastritis is a condition in which the lining of the stomach gets red and swollen (inflamed) due to various causes. The lining of the stomach makes acid and enzymes that help break down food into nutrients. The lining also protects itself from acid damage by secretingmucus.

  • In gastritis, the lining gets inflamed and starts making less acid, enzymes, and mucus.
  • Gastritis is a common condition with a wide range of causes.
  • 对大多数人来说,胃炎可能并不严重improves quickly if treated.
  • However, gastritis if left untreated may last for years.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of an organ in the abdomen called the pancreas.See Answer

What are the causes of gastritis? 9 Causes

9 Causes of gastritis include:

  1. Bacterial infection:Helicobacter pylorior H. pylori is a type of bacteria that lives in the mucous lining of the stomach; without treatment, the infection can lead to ulcers andstomach cancer.
  2. Bile reflux: This is a backflow of digestive juices called bile into the stomach from the bile tract (it connects to theliverand gallbladder).
  3. Excessive use ofcocaineoralcohol
  4. Smoking
  5. Regular intake of spicy food may also irritate the stomach lining
  6. Regularly taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs(NSAIDs) such asaspirin,ibuprofen, or other painkillers
  7. Stressful events (such as a bad injury or critical illness, intentional or accidental ingestions of toxins or poisons, or major surgery)
  8. An autoimmune reaction - is when the immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues (in this case, the stomach lining)
  9. Pernicious anemia: This is a form ofanemiathat happens when the stomach can’t absorbvitamin B-12and can irritate the stomach lining.

How is gastritis treated?

The treatment goal of gastritis aims to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach to relieve symptoms, allowing the stomach lining to heal and tackle any underlying cause.

  • Antacids: Theseover-the-countermedicines neutralize the acid in the stomach, which can provide rapidpainrelief.
  • Histamine 2 (H2) blockers: These medicines reduce acid production allowing the stomach lining to heal.
  • Proton pump inhibitors(PPIs): These medicines reduce acid production even more effectively than H2 blockers (such asomeprazole).
  • If the gastritis is caused bypernicious anemia, B12 vitamin shots may be given.
  • For gastritis caused by H. pylori infection, your doctor will prescribe a regimen of several antibiotics plus an acid-blocking drug (used forheartburn).

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Medically Reviewed on7/21/2022
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