Are Viruses Germs?

Viruses are germs that can cause diseases in humans, plants, and animals.
Viruses are germs that can cause diseases in humans, plants, and animals.

Virusesare germs that can cause diseases in humans, plants, and animals. They have rudimentary genetic material, only a protein shell and a strand of RNA or DNA, depending on the virus type. They cannot reproduce on their own, but they may need a host cell for multiplying (such as thehuman body). Viruses are responsible for causing many diseases, including:

Germs or pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, are microscopic organisms that can cause illness and infections in people with weak immunity.

The most common types are:

  • Example of viruses:Rhinovirus (causes thecommon cold)
  • Example of bacteria:Salmonella(usually causesfood poisoning)
  • Example of fungi:毛癣菌属(会导致脚气)
  • Example of parasites:Amoebic dysentery

How does a virus infect a human body?

A virus usually infects healthy cells in the body, uses them to reproduce, and kills them when it is done. Viruses are tiny packages of DNA or RNA (genetic material) that travel in a protein shell.

  • They have a protein coat that confuses the body’s healthy cells.
  • Once the virus is inside the host cell, the virus can release its genetic information and make copies of its genetic material.
  • After the virus reproduces in the cell, it breaks free, destroying the host cell in the process.
  • They are hard for the immune system to identify and target.
  • However, the body eventually learns to tell the difference between viruses and healthy cells. When it does, the immune system creates antibodies. These little proteins mark the virus. Antibodies lead immune-system agents, such as white blood cells, to the virus so that the defense system can wipe them out along with the affected cells.

The symptoms of viral infection may include:

  • Fever:Infections trigger an increase in body temperature. It is a strategy of the immune system to kill viruses. Some germs have a hard time living in high temperatures, sofevermakes the body a difficult place for a virus to survive.
  • Runny nose:The body produces a lot ofmucusto trap the germs andflushthem out. A runny nose is a sign that the immune system is working hard to push back against an infection.
  • Coughing:If the cells in theairwaydetect an invader, they can trigger acough. Forcibly coughing removes dust, bacteria, and viruses from the throat andlungs. Coughing also helps remove excess mucous from the nose and throat.
  • Sneezing:Just like coughing, sneezing is a reflex. It’s a powerful immune response that kicks germs out of the nose.


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How is the viral infection treated?

For many viral infections, there are no effective antiviral medicines. The best remedy for most viral infections is resting and hydrating (fluids intake). Warm soups,gingertea, broths rich in protein, etc. help the body fight viral infections.Preventionis the best cure for viral infections.


  • The primary way to prevent viral infections is by vaccination.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends immunization for 17 preventable diseases inbabies, children, adolescents, and adults.
  • Thevaccineoften contains a weakened or a killed virus, which can cause infection, but not the illness. Thevaccinescause the body to develop protective proteins called antibodies, which help fight the disease. Getting a vaccine reduces the chances of getting sick. The more people get vaccinated, the lesser are the chances of active infections or virus shedding. This causes fewer infections in the community. This is called herd immunity.

Boosting immunity:

  • The best way to fight viral infection is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and boost the immune system. Fortunately, the immune system can fight off most viral infections within a few days.
  • Dietplays a key role in maintaining overall health. Enjoying a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as well as drinking plenty of water contribute to a well-functioning immune system.
  • Regularexerciseand getting adequatesleepare also ways to improve the immune system. Refraining fromsmokingand limitingalcoholconsumption help preserve the body’s ability to fight germs.
  • 同时,正确的洗手擦and front of hands as well as in between fingers and under fingernails with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds and cooking meats thoroughly are simple steps to avoid infection and boosting immunity.

Taking symptomatic treatments:

Antiviral medicines:

  • As a rule, antiviral medicines do not clear the virus from the body. They usually stop the virus from multiplying. So, it controls the virus and the infection that it causes.
  • For certain infections, such asHIV, antiretroviral medicines are available. Another example isAcyclovirand related medicines, which are used to treat certain herpes virus infections.
Fifield KL. What Are ‘Germs’ Anyway? Michigan State University. January 17, 2018.