Are Turnip Greens Healthy? 10 Health Benefits

Medically Reviewed on11/19/2021
are turnip greens healthy
Turnip greens are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Learn about 10 health benefits of this cruciferous vegetable

Turnip greens are the leafy part of turnips and belong to the cruciferous vegetable family, along with cabbage, kale, and broccoli. Turnip greens are healthy and rich in essentialvitamins,矿物质, and antioxidants.

Turnip greens can be eaten raw and added to salads, but since thefibercontent is high, it is better to eat them cooked. Turnip greens have a spicy flavor similar to mustard seeds.

What is the nutritional value of turnip greens?

One cup of chopped, raw turnip greens (55 grams) contain:

  • Calories:18
  • Total fat:0.2 grams
  • Sodium:22 mg
  • Total carbohydrates:3.9 grams
  • Dietary fiber:1.8 grams
  • Sugar:0.5 grams
  • Protein:0.8 grams
  • Vitamin A:6,372.9 IU
  • Vitamin C:60 mg
  • Calcium:104.5 mg
  • Iron:0.61 mcg
  • Potassium:163 mg

10 health benefits of turnip greens

  1. May lowercancerrisk:Turnip greens contain phytochemicals, glucosinolates, and antioxidants that may help fight againstcancer-causing agents (carcinogens) and remove toxins from the body, particularly theliver. These compounds suppress the growth ofcancercells and combat free radical damage.
  2. Boosts immunity:Antioxidants in turnip greens help eliminate free radicals and protect the cells from oxidative damage, improving the health of immune cells. Dietary fiber in turnip greens can also reduce inflammation and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases,diabetes, andobesity.
  3. Promotesweight loss:Turnip greens are low in calories but high in fiber, which aids inweight loss. Turnip greens may improve metabolism while eliminating excess fat.
  4. Improvesdigestion:The fiber and water content in turnip greens promote gut health and help withconstipation. Glucosinolates provide a suitable environment for the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which prevents digestive disorders.
  5. Preventsosteoporosis:Vitamin Kincreases calcium absorption and the calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A content in turnip greens improvebone densityand help preventosteoporosis.
  6. Boosts eye health:维生素A的优惠ntration of turnip greens is quite high, meaning that it is good for maintaining eyesight. Vitamin A plays a role in preventing problems related tovision loss, such asmacular degenerationandcataracts.
  7. 促进皮肤和头发健康:Vitamin C in turnip greens promotes the production of collagen, which is an essential protein that maintains healthy skin and hair. Iron content can also help treatiron deficiency anemia, which is one of the main causes ofhair loss.
  8. Helps treatanemia:Turnip greens may help treatanemiabecause they are high in iron, which plays a role in increasing the红细胞andhemoglobinlevels.
  9. Helps manageasthma:Anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in turnip greens may improveasthma symptomsand preventasthmaattacks.
  10. Sleepand mood:Turnip greens contain choline, a nutrient that helps withsleep. They also contain folate, which may help withdepression.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.”See Answer

What are possible side effects of turnip greens?

  • Turnip greens are rich in vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, and may therefore interfere with medications (such aswarfarin). So patients who are on blood thinners should avoid excessive consumption of turnip greens.
  • Turnip greens may interfere with thyroid hormones, so patients with thyroid problems or who are on thyroid medicines should avoid turnip greens.
  • Turnip greens are rich innitrates, which eventually may convert to nitrites in the body. Patients who are on nitrate therapy forchest painshould avoid adiethigh in nitrates.

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Medically Reviewed on11/19/2021
Image Source: iStock Images

NutritionValue.Org. Turnip greens, raw.

心of Wellness. Turnip Greens: A Powerhouse for Good Health.