Types of Diabetes Type 2 Medications

What are the types of oral diabetes medications?

9 Types of drug classes of diabetes type 2 oral medications.

Oraldiabetes medicationsare used to improve bloodsugar(glucose) control in patients withtype 2 diabetes

Currently, there are nine drug classes of oraldiabetesmedications approved for the treatment oftype 2 diabetes

  1. α-glucosidase inhibitors
  2. Biguanides
  3. Sulfonylureas
  4. Meglitinides
  5. Thiazolidinediones
  6. DPP-4 inhibitors
  7. Sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT)-2 inhibitors
  8. Dopamineagonists
  9. Bile acid sequestrants

These medications differ in the way they function in the body to reduce blood glucose.


Metformin(Glucophage) is the only biguanide available in the United States and is generally the first choice for oral treatment of type 2diabetes mellitus.Metformin improves

  • the body's response to naturalinsulin,
  • decreases the absorption of glucose from theintestines, and
  • reduces the production of glucose by theliver


Sulfonylureas are the oldest classes of oraldiabetesmedications. Sulfonylureas work primarily by stimulating the release of insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose by increasing the uptake of blood glucose by tissues and increasing the storage of glucose in the liver.


Meglitinides and sulfonylureas have a similar mechanism of action. Meglitinides are short-acting glucose-lowering medications. They stimulate the secretion of insulin from the pancreas.


Thiazolidinediones enhance insulin sensitivity meaning that the effect of a given amount of insulin is greater. Thiazolidinediones also are referred to as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ? or PPAR-? agonists.

α-glucosidase inhibitors

α-glucosidase inhibitors delay thedigestionand absorption of starch or carbohydrates by inhibiting enzymes in the small intestine which help breakdown these molecules. The starches and carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which then is absorbed from the intestine and increases the level in the blood.

DPP-4 inhibitors

DPP-4 inhibitors help lower blood glucose by increasing the production of insulin from the pancreas and reducing the release of glucose from the liver.

SGLT2 inhibitors

SGLT2 inhibitorsor sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors are the newest class of oraldiabetesmedications. They work by reducing the absorption of glucose from the fluid that is filtered from the blood by the kidney, causing more glucose to be eliminated in the urine. These medications increase urinary glucose excretion and consequently lower bloodsugarlevels.

Bile acid sequestrants

Currently, the only bile acid sequestrant approved for the oral treatment oftype 2 diabetesiscolesevelam(Welchol). Bile acid sequestrants function primarily in the intestines where they bind to and decrease the reabsorption of bile acid. The exact mechanism by which these agents lower blood glucose is not known.

Dopamine agonists

Bromocriptine(Cycloset) is a dopamine agonist approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The exact mechanism whereby bromocriptine lowers blood glucose is not known.

What are examples of oral diabetes medications available in the US?

α-glucosidase inhibitors


Sulfonylureas are grouped into two classes, first and second generation agents.

First generation sulfonylureas include

Second generation sulfonylureas are


The only biguanide available in the United States is metformin (Glucophage, Glucophage XR,Riomet).


Thiazolidinediones or TZDs include


DPP-4 inhibitors (dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors)

SGLT-2 inhibitors

Bile acid sequestrants

Currently the only bile acid sequestrant approved for the oral treatment of type 2 diabetes is colesevelam (Welchol).

Dopamine agonists

Bromocriptine mesylate (Cycloset) is a dopamine agonist.

What are examples of combination oral diabetes medications?

Combination oraldiabetes drugsinclude


Type 2 Diabetes: Signs, Symptoms, TreatmentsSee Slideshow

What are the side effects of oral diabetes medications?

九类口服糖尿病drugsdiffer in their side effect profile. The main side effects of each class are as listed.

Side effects of thiazolidinediones

Thiazolidinediones may cause

Side effects of DPP-4 inhibitors

Although DPP-4 inhibitors are generally well tolerated, they may cause

Side effects of biguanides (metformin [Glucophage])

最常见的side effects of metformin include

These side effects usually are mild and tend to decrease in severity over time despite continuation of treatment.

Other reported side effects of metformin include

Although rare, metformin may cause lactic acidosis, a serious condition that occurs due to the accumulation of acid in the body.

Side effects of sulfonylureas

Sulfonylureas most commonly cause hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and weight gain. Less common side effects are

Side effects of meglitinides

最常见的side effects of meglitinides are hypoglycemia and weight gain. The risk for hypoglycemia and weight gain appears to be low in comparison to sulfonylureas.

Side effects of α-glucosidase

α-glucosidase inhibitors most commonly cause

Side effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors

最常见的side effects associated with SGLT-2 inhibitors include

Other reported side effects

Side effects of bile acid sequestrants

最常见的side effects of bile acid sequestrants include:

Colesevelam also may cause an increase intriglyceride levels

Side effects of bromocriptine mesylate (Cycloset)

Side effects associated with bromocriptine therapy include:\

What drugs interact with oral diabetes medications?

Drug interactionswith oral diabetes drugs vary based on individual diabetes drug classes. However, drugs that cause blood glucose levels to increase may diminish the effectiveness of any oral diabetes drug therapy. Examples of drugs that increase blood glucose include

Metformin drug interactions

二甲双胍通过th排除体外e kidneys in a process known as renal tubular secretion. Drugs that are also eliminated via this same pathway may compete with metformin for elimination when administered concomitantly and increase the risk of metformin-associated side effects due to an increase in blood levels of metformin. Examples of such drugs include

Due to the risk of lactic acidosis metformin containing products must be temporarily discontinued before the administration of radiopaque contrast dyes. Metformin should be held for at least 48 hours after contrast dye administration and should not be restarted until the patient's kidney function returns to normal.

Other drug interactions with oral diabetes medications

  • Sulfonylureasare broken down (metabolized) by a set ofliver enzymes.Medications that inhibit or induce the activity of these enzymes may impact their blood levels.
  • Gemfibrozil(Lopid) strongly inhibits the breakdown of repaglinide and consequently may cause prolonged hypoglycemia.
  • Thiazolidinedionesmay interact with drugs that are strong inhibitors or inducers of liver certain enzymes known as CYP3A4, CYP2C8, or CYP2C9. The dose of pioglitazone must be limited to 15 mg when administered in combination with gemfibrozil (Lopid), a strong inhibitor of these pathways.
  • DPP-4 inhibitors are metabolized extensively by liver enzymes. Therefore, drug-drug interactions are possible with agents that alter the function of these enzymes.
  • The effectiveness ofmeglitinidesmay be reduced when administered with carbohydrate digesting enzymes such as amylase, pancreatin, or pancrelipase.
  • Bile acid sequestrantshave many drug interactions. Bile acid sequestrants decrease the absorption of levothyroxine (Synthroid), glyburide (DiaBeta, Micronase), andbirth control pillswhen administered together. Additionally, they may also decrease the absorption of other drugs such aswarfarin(Coumadin), digoxin (Lanoxin), and fat-solublevitamins(VitaminsA, D, E, and K). Therefore, these agents should be administered at least 4 hours before the dose of colesevelam.
  • Bromocriptineis metabolized by CYP3A4 liver enzymes. Drugs that alter the activity of these enzymes may change bromocriptine levels in the blood and consequently cause adverse effects. Bromocriptine may also interact with some antipsychotics and ergot-basedmigrainemedications.

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What formulations of oral diabetes medications are available?

  • All oral diabetes drugs are available in tablet forms.
  • Glipizide and metformin are available as extended-release tablets.
  • Metformin also is available in an oral liquid form.
  • Colesevelam is available as an oral powder for suspension.

What about taking oral diabetes medications during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

Use of oral diabetes drugs duringpregnancyis controversial. For most women, the first step to maintaining optimal blood glucose control duringpregnancyis to make appropriate lifestyle and dietary changes. Insulin therapy is the preferred treatment ofpregnantwomen withgestational diabetesor type 2 diabetes who fail to achieve adequate blood glucose control with dietary or lifestyle (for example,exercise, weight reduction) changes alone.

With the exception of glyburide, all sulfonylureas are classified as FDA pregnancy risk category C (risk not ruled out).

  • Meglitinides, TZDs also are classified as FDA pregnancy risk category C.
  • Glyburide, metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors, α-glucosidase inhibitors, colesevelam, and bromocriptine are categorized as pregnancy risk category B (no risk in animal studies).
  • To prevent fetal harm, use of oral diabetes medications should be avoided during pregnancy if possible.

Oral diabetes drugs can enter thebreast milkand can cause hypoglycemia in thenewborn.Therefore, careful risk and benefit analysis should be made for each mother and her infant before a decision is made. Use of oral diabetes medications innursingmothers should be avoided if possible.

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