Definition of Anemia

Anemia:Theconditionof having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity of hemoglobin. Anemia diminishes the capacity of thebloodto carryoxygen. Patients with anemia may feeltired, fatigue easily, appear pale, develop palpitations, and become short of breath. Children withchronicanemia areproneto infections and learning problems. The main causes of anemia are bleeding,hemolysis(excessive destruction of red blood cells), underproduction of red blood cells (asinbone marrowdiseases), and underproduction of normal hemoglobin (as in sickle cell anemia and iniron deficiency anemia). Women are more likely than men to have anemia because ofmenstrual失血。儿童贫血最常见的due to insufficientironin the diet. Anemia is also often due togastrointestinalbleeding caused by medications, including such common drugs asaspirinandibuprofen.

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