Definition of Airway obstruction

Airwayobstruction:Partial or complete blockage of the breathing passages to thelungs. Causes include the presence of foreign matter, allergic reactions, infections, anatomical abnormalities, andtrauma. Associatedrespiratorydistress may be sudden, with only a cough for a warning. There is often agitationinthe early stages. Other signs include labored, ineffective breathing, until the person is no longer breathing (apneic). Loss of consciousness occurs if theobstructionis not relieved. Treatment ofairway obstructiondue to a foreign body includes theHeimlich maneuverfor adults, a series of fiveabdominalthrusts for children over 1 year of age, and a combination of five back blows with the flat of the hand and five abdominal thrusts with two fingers on the upperabdomenfor infants.

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