What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Caffeine?

Medically Reviewed on5/4/2022
What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Caffeine
Caffeine has been surrounded by controversy regarding whether it is good or bad for us. Learn about the potential benefits and side effects of caffeine

Caffeineis perhaps the best-known stimulant in the world. Naturally found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cacao beans,caffeinehas been surrounded by controversy regarding whether it is good or bad for us.

According to the FDA, the recommended maximum dose of caffeine is 400 mg per day, which is about 2 cups a day.Caffeine can provide numerous health benefits when consumed in moderation. However, consuming caffeine in high doses can lead to negative side effects.

Learn about the potential benefits and side effects of caffeine.

What are the advantages of caffeine?

  • Alleviatesfatigue:As a central nervous system stimulant, it can fightfatigueand improve mental alertness.
  • Boostsweight loss:Caffeine aids inweight lossin the long run by decreasing appetite and increasing the basal metabolic rate of the body.
  • Enhances athletic performance:Caffeine increases strength during endurance activities and can boost athletic performance.
  • Reduces risk of cognitive decline:Some researchers have concluded that long-term intake of caffeine reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s andParkinson'sdisease. Caffeine can also boostlong-term memory.


  • Worsensanxietyanddepression:Caffeine is a mood enhancer when taken in moderation. However, when ingested in excessive quantities, it can worsen symptoms ofanxietyanddepression.
  • Increases bloodsugarlevels:Caffeine reduces the activity ofinsulin, which increases the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Not good forpregnantorbreastfeedingwomen:Caffeine should be avoided duringpregnancybecause it can lead to complications such asmiscarriageor fetalheartirregularity. Caffeine is contraindicated when breastfeeding because it can pass via milk to the infant.
  • May affectfertility:Caffeine reduces thefibrillationactivity in the fallopian tubes, hampering the movement of the egg. This can reduce fertility.
  • Increases risk ofincontinence:Caffeine causes urinary incontinence, and in extreme cases, it can causefecal incontinence.
  • Disturbssleep:Due to its effects as a stimulant, caffeine can disrupt thesleep-wake pattern especially in people withinsomnia.
  • Dehydration:Because caffeine is a diuretic, caffeine can increase the frequency of urination and causedehydration, leading to low levels of sodium chloride,potassium chloride, and chloride ions in the body.
  • Addiction:Caffeine is an addictive substance and if you become dependent on it, reducing intake can lead to withdrawal symptoms such asheadache,dizziness, and drowsiness. In extreme cases, it can causenauseaandvomiting.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.”See Answer
Medically Reviewed on5/4/2022
Image Source: iStock Image

