Definition of Acyclovir

Acyclovir:(Brand name:Zovirax) One of a group ofantiviraldrugs that acts against theherpesviruses, including:

  • Herpes simplex 1, which causes cold sores
  • Herpes simplex 2, which causesgenital herpes
  • Varicella-zoster, which causes both chickenpox and shingles
  • Epstein-Barr virus, which causes infectious mononucleosis

Acyclovirinhibits thereplicationofviralDNAneeded for thevirusto reproduce. Virally infected cellsabsorbmore acyclovir than normal cells and convert more of it to an active form, prolonging its antiviral activity where it is most needed. Acyclovir may reduce the severity and duration of ashinglesattack if given soon after theonsetof symptoms.

For more information, see:Acyclovir.

Medically reviewed by Martin Zipser, MD; Board Certified: Surgery

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